Economic History Association

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Economic History Association

Arthur H. Cole Grants in Aid (Doctorate/Grant)
Exploratory Travel and Data Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
Graduate Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0385
ph: (408)554-4348
Fax: (408)554-2331

Arthur H. Cole Grants in Aid (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support research in economic history, regardless of time period or geographic area. Focus: Economic history. Qualif.: Applicant must be a member of the association; and must hold a Ph.D. degree. Criteria: Applicants with recent PhD degrees are given preference.

Funds Avail.: $2,500. To Apply: Applicants must email required information: name, home address, institutional affiliation and contact information; submit a five-page single spaced proposal, inclusive of any footnotes, tables, and bibliography; a curriculum vitae; a project budget. Deadline: April 1. Contact: Committee on Research in Economic History Chair Prof. Joyce Burnette

Exploratory Travel and Data Grants (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide funding for doctoral students intending to write a dissertation in economic history. Focus: Economic history. Qualif.: Applicants must be doctoral

students and current association members. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on the committee's review of the application materials submitted.

Funds Avail.: $2,500. To Apply: Applicants must e-mail required information: name, home address, institutional affiliation, contact information and the name of the chair of the dissertation committee; submit a copy of current curriculum vitae; a one-page itemized budget; a three-page single spaced proposal (inclusive of any footnotes, tables, and bibliography) that describe the topic, how the fellowship will help to complete the thesis, describe the work to date, time-table of completion and a brief bibliography. Deadline: January 15. Contact: Committee on Research in Economic History Chair Prof. Joyce Burnette burnettj@

Graduate Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support students whose thesis topics have been approved and who have made some progress towards writing their dissertation. Focus: Economic history. Qualif.: Applicants must be current association members. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on the committee's review of the application materials submitted.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must e-mail required information: name, home address, institutional affiliation, contact information and two reference letters (one from the chair of the thesis committee); submit a copy of current curriculum vitae; a five-page single spaced proposal (inclusive of any footnotes, tables, and bibliography) that describe the topic, how the fellowship will help to complete the thesis, describe the work to date, time-table of completion and a brief bibliography; and a draft of a completed thesis chapter. Deadline: January 25. Contact: Committee on Research in Economic History Chair Prof. Joyce Burnette

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