Directed Energy Professional Society

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Directed Energy Professional Society

2600 Yale Blvd. SE, Ste. 139
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Ph: (505)998-4910
Fax: (505)998-4917

DEPS Graduate Scholarship Program (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To foster research and development of DE technology for national defense and civil applications through professional communication and education. Focus: Physics; Engineering, Electrical; Engineering, Chemical; Chemistry; Materials research/science; Optical engineering; Engineering, Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical; Engineering, Optical. Qualif.: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or individuals who have demonstrated interest in American citizenship; must be full-time graduate students at a U.S. school; must be pursuing or currently studying DE technology areas of HEL or HPM with scopes similar to those researches published in the Journal of Directed Energy. Criteria: Applicants are selected based on the reviews conducted by the DEPS Board of Scientific and Engineering Advisors’ (BSEA) review of all applications.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form available at the website; official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate studies sent directly from the school; letter of interest in DE technology and statement of proposed research; and a reference letter from a potential or current research advisor including an assessment of the applicant’s potential and description of facilities to be employed for the research. All materials must be forwarded to: DEPS Scholarship Program, Directed Energy Professional Society, 2600 Yale Blvd. SE, Ste. 139 Albuquerque, NM 87106. Deadline: April 1.

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