Depaul University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Information Systems
Chicago, Illinois

Distance Learning Program

The School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems—commonly known as DePaul CTI—takes an innovative approach to distance learning by offering distance learning courses in conjunction with courses that take place on campus. Using CTI's Course OnLine system, students view lectures online at their own convenience. The ability to convert the vital components of any live class into a course available on the Web allows CTI to offer nearly ninety online courses each quarter and nine entire degree programs online. Requirements are the same for distance learning and on-campus courses and degrees, so students are able to take whatever combination of online and on-campus courses that fits their needs.

Delivery Media

DePaul CTI's Course Online (COL) system allows registered students to view classroom lectures online. The COL system captures all of the important events in a class session: what the instructor says, points to, writes on the board, or displays on the projector. The parts are synchronized after class and posted to the Web for the remainder of the quarter. Distance learning students follow the assignment and exam schedule for the on-campus section of the course, but have the flexibility of viewing the weekly lectures at a time that works best for them.

Course OnLine lectures are integrated into CTI's course management system, which contains other important information like assignments, grades, course documents, announcements, instructor information, and links to external Web sites. In addition, courses take advantage of asynchronous communication tools, such as threaded discussion groups and e-mail, and the live interaction of online chat sessions. Distance learning students interact with other distance learning students as well as on-campus students.

Programs of Study

CTI graduate programs generally follow a three-phase sequence, with each phase preparing the student for the subsequent phase. The prerequisite phase is intended to ensure that all students enter graduate courses with an equivalent background. In the core knowledge phase, students follow a sequence of courses to acquire an understanding of the technological and theoretical foundations for the particular degree. In the advanced phase of the program, students study advanced topics within their chosen degree.

CTI offers the following nine degrees through distance learning: the M.A. in information technology; the M.S. in computer, information, and network security; the M.S. in computer science; the M.S. in distributed systems; the M.S. in e-commerce technology; the M.S. in information systems; the M.S. in instructional technology systems; the M.S. in software engineering; and the M.S. in telecommunication systems.

More information about each degree program is available on CTI's Web site at

Student Services

DePaul University works hard to make services accessible to all of its students. Distance learning students can remotely access a number of vital University services, including online course registration, account payment, course grades and history, the help desk, degree planning, academic advising, course evaluations, faculty evaluation history, online exam scheduling, the library, career services, and the Graduate Student Association.

Credit Options

Generally, students who have experience with a subject that is required in the prerequisite phase may be able to avoid taking some of these courses. Students review their experience and education with a faculty adviser and may be given a course waiver or be able to take an equivalency exam.


All distance learning courses are taught by the same distinguished CTI professors who teach on-campus courses. The School currently has 82 full-time and 140 part-time faculty members.

Founded more than a century ago, DePaul University is one of the largest universities in the United States and the fastest growing of its size and type, serving more than 20,000 students. DePaul attracts students from all fifty states and sixty-five other countries, ensuring multiple perspectives.

The mission of the School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Information Systems (CTI) is to instill in its students an enthusiasm for their discipline, the knowledge necessary for its practice, an appreciation for the liberal arts, the values of a DePaul education, and a passion for lifelong learning.


Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution or be in the final stage of completing the undergraduate degree. The primary criterion in determining eligibility is previous academic achievement. A prospective graduate student is expected to present a superior overall academic record, or at least a superior record in the last two years of under-graduate work.

Other factors, such as work experience and career progression, are also considered. There are no additional requirements for admission of distance learning students, and the intention to complete the program via distance learning is not considered in the admissions decision.

Tuition and Fees

The current costs are $369 per quarter hour or $1476 per 4-credit course for courses numbered 399 and below. Courses numbered 400 and above are $535 per quarter hour or $2140 per 4-credit course. Costs are subject to change. All graduate CTI students are subject to the CTI graduate tuition rate for all graduate level courses regardless of the courses taken. The average course is 4 credit hours. Additional fees may apply. There are no special costs for distance learning. However, distance learning students are responsible for any fees associated with taking exams at another college or university.

Financial Aid

Although CTI does not offer financial aid specifically for distance learning students, all graduate students may apply for financial aid through DePaul's Financial Aid Office Web site or in person at one of two full-service offices in Chicago.


Marueen Garvey, Director of Admissions
School of CTI
DePaul University
243 South Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone: 312-362-8714
Fax: 312-362-6166
Web site:


A $25 nonrefundable application fee is required and can be paid online by credit card after the application process. For more information and an online application, students should visit the Web site listed below.

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