Depaul University

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School for New Learning
Center for Distance Education

Chicago, Illinois

DePaul University is nationally recognized for its innovative academic programs that enable students' personal and professional growth through applied learning and individual attention. With more than 23,000 students, it is the largest Catholic university in the United States. DePaul attracts students from all fifty U.S. states and sixty-five other countries, ensuring multiple perspectives.

The School for New Learning (SNL), established thirty years ago, is one of the eight schools and colleges of DePaul. SNL is a national leader in the design and delivery of competency-based learning for adults. In 1999, SNL was ranked by CAEL (the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning) as one of the six best institutions for serving adult learners in higher education. Choosing from among colleges and universities all across North America, CAEL called SNL a "cutting edge pioneer" and "truly innovative in the understanding of the need to improve education." DePaul University and the School for New Learning are fully accredited, which means that the degree earned is honored throughout the world.

Distance Learning Program

SNL's distance education program allows adult students age 24 and older to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from DePaul University without ever visiting a campus. SNL provides excellent learning opportunities and individualized service to adult students.

Unique to SNL is its emphasis on experience. The degree is competency based, designed to honor adult experience and provide opportunities to earn academic credit through additional experience.

Delivery Media

The distance education program uses various platforms, such as the World Wide Web, CD-ROMs, and e-mail, for course work and for connecting students, faculty members, advisers, professional experts, and classmates.

Programs of Study

Students receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from DePaul University. Students individualize their study by designing a focus area relevant to their life and work goals. Approximately 60 percent of current SNL students graduate with a focus related to business, and other students study any area they choose.

The Bachelor of Arts degree consists of fifty requirements allocated across three areas: focus area, lifelong learning skills, and liberal arts. Students meet the requirements through DePaul courses, transfer courses, proficiency examinations, demonstration of prior learning, and independent study.

In order to ensure both academic quality and focus-area expertise, students work in a personalized committee format during their academic program. A committee consists of the student, a faculty mentor, and a professional adviser. The faculty mentor is a DePaul faculty member who works directly with the student throughout the program. The professional adviser is an expert in the field in which the student would like to focus. The student selects the professional adviser, with the help of the faculty mentor, to act as a guide to the student, particularly in the focus area.

Student Services

DePaul University offers students the following resources and services: admission, registration, identification cards, access to the library, career counseling, writing and math assistance, financial aid, academic advising, the bookstore, and more.

Students have continuing academic and administrative support throughout their academic programs. Advisers and counselors are available to serve students efficiently and effectively.

Credit Options

There is no maximum to the number of transfer credits accepted in the distance education program, although certain courses do not transfer. Courses with a grade of C- or better from accredited institutions are accepted for credit. Students may also transfer college-level learning from life and work experience into the program.


The faculty members within the SNL community are dedicated to individualized, student-centered education in a collaborative environment. All have graduate degrees and experience in the fields in which they teach. The faculty members teach about what they know best.


Students must be 24 years old or older and proficient in the use of the English language and must have completed secondary education.

Students taking online courses are required to have access to a computer with an Internet connection and an e-mail account. Hardware and software requirements are a Pentium III computer with Win ME, Windows 2000, or XP Home or Professional Edition; at least 256 MB of RAM; a 20 GB hard drive; a 56 K baud modem or high-speed connection; a sound card; speakers; a CD-ROM drive; a 1024 x 728 pixels or better monitor; and a printer. Macintosh users must have OS 9.2.2 (or higher) with comparable features.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for the 2005–06 academic year are $384 per credit hour. The cost of textbooks varies from class to class.

Financial Aid

Financial aid opportunities are available to DePaul's SNL students. For more information, students should visit DePaul's financial aid Web site at


Applications for admission are accepted year-round. Students should visit SNL's Web site to request additional information about the program and an application for admission to be sent to them (this request can also be made by e-mail or telephone). Students can also apply online at


School for New Learning
Center for Distance Education
DePaul University
25 East Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Phone: 312-362-8821
  866-SNL-FORU (toll-free)
Fax: 312-362-5053
Web site:

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