Davenport University: Tabular Data

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415 East Fulton
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Tel: (616)451-3511; 800-724-7708; Fax: (616)732-1142; Web Site: http://www.davenport.edu/
President/CEO: Randolph Flechsig
Registrar: Donna Milham
Financial Aid: Mary Kay Bethune

Type: Comprehensive

Sex: Coed

Affiliation: Davenport University

% Accepted: 65

Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission

Application Deadline: Rolling

Application Fee: $25.00

H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Tuition: $10,170 full-time, $339 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $100 full-time. College room only: $3400.

Scholarships: Available

Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available

Enrollment: FT 649, PT 1,102, Grad 117

Faculty: FT 26, PT 78

Student-Faculty Ratio: 25:1

Exams: ACT

% Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 10

Library Holdings: 40,810

Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates; 184.5 credit hours, Bachelors

Professional Accreditation: AAMAE

Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball W; Golf M; Ice Hockey M

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