Davenport-Hines, Richard (Peter Treadwell)
DAVENPORT-HINES, Richard (Peter Treadwell)
DAVENPORT-HINES, Richard (Peter Treadwell). British, b. 1953. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Sex, Literary criticism and history, Biography, Art/Art history. Career: University of London, London School of Economics and Political Science, England, research officer, 1982-86; writer. Radio broadcaster. Publications: Dudley Docker, 1984; Sex, Death, and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance, 1990; Glaxo: A History to 1962, 1992; The Macmillans, 1992; Vice, 1993; Auden, 1995; Gothic: 400 Years of Excess, Horror, Evil and Ruin, 1998; The Pursuit of Oblivion, 2001. EDITOR: Speculators and Patriots, 1986; Markets and Bagmen, 1986; Business in the Age of Reason, 1987; The End of Insularity, 1988; British Business in Asia since 1860, 1989; Business in the Age of Depression and War, 1990. Address: 51 Elsham Rd, London W14 8HD, England. Online address: jdavenp225@aol.com