Daniel Webster College: Distance Learning Programs

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Nashua, New Hampshire

Daniel Webster College was founded in 1965. It is accredited by New England Association of Schools and Colleges. It first offered distance learning courses in 2000. In fall 2003, there were 600 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.

Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.

Contact Jan Donahue, Academic Advisor, Daniel Webster College, 20 University Drive, Nashua, NH 03063. Telephone: 603-577-6500. Fax: 603-577-6503. E-mail: donahue@dwc.edu.


ABA Business Administration

AGS General Studies

BS Business and Management; Social Sciences

Certificate C/UNIX Programming; Client-Server Application Development; MS Windows Programming; PC Networking; UNIX Systems Administration; Webmaster Technology


Undergraduate— accounting; advertising; applied mathematics; business; business administration and management; business/managerial economics; computer programming; English composition; English language and literature, general; entrepreneurship; history; human resources management; Internet and World Wide Web; mathematical statistics; mathematics; mathematics and computer science; psychology; sociology.

Special Message

Daniel Webster College (DWC) is constantly growing and changing, yet it does so while maintaining its classic New England character. The College features the Eaton-Richmond Center, its newest academic building, and the Harvey Woods baseball field, which opened in 2003. It also maintains seven state-of-the-art computer labs, designed to support the College's reputation as a regional leader in computer information systems and information technology education.

During the 2003 academic year the College added new certificate programs in .NET, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA). Undergraduate degree programs in social science and marketing were also added. In addition, the College had a tremendous kick-off with its new MBA program.

The College continues to pay significant attention to its online students. The distance education program grew more than 200 percent in 2003, added additional library services, and implemented the Student Online Access to Records (SOAR) program, giving its distance education (DE) students full access to their grades, schedules, and student account records online. The College's goal is to offer quality classes that go wherever its students go.

The faculty and staff members of DWC are dedicated to supporting the educational needs of students regionally, nationally, and internationally with the highest quality services and programs available anywhere. That effort requires constant change. Yet, for all this, DWC is still a classic New England college.

See full description on page 382.

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