Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America

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Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America

CCFA Career Development Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
CCFA Research Fellowship Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)
CCFA Student Research Fellowship Awards (Graduate, Undergraduate/Grant)
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America Senior Research Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

386 ParkAve. S, 17th Fl.
New York, NY 10016
Free: 800-932-2423

CCFA Career Development Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support a research that will help prepare for a career of independent basic or clinical investigation in the area of inflammatory bowel disease. Focus: Medicine. Qua-lif.: Applicants must be employed in an institution; engaged in heath care or health related research within the United States; have MD, PhD or equivalent; must not be in excess of ten years beyond the attainment of the doctoral degree; and have at least two years of documented post-doctoral research relevant to IBD. Proposals must be relevant to inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colitis). Criteria: Applicants will be selected on the basis of intellectual background; mentor's record; number of important techniques to be learned; importance of the research area; relevance of BID; and applicant's career objectives.

Funds Avail.: $90,000. To Apply: Applicants must download, complete and submit the application form, CDA Letter of Intent and CDA forms available at the website. Deadline: January or July.

CCFA Research Fellowship Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support a research that will help prepare for a career of independent basic or clinical investigation in the area of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must be employed in an institution; engaged in heath care or health related research within the United States; have MD, PhD or equivalent. Applicants with MD degrees must have at least two years of post doctoral experience. Proposals must be relevant to inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colitis). Criteria: Applicants will be selected on the basis of intellectual background; research experience; mentor's track record; number of important techniques to be learned; importance of the research area; relevance of IBD; and career objectives.

Funds Avail.: $58,250. To Apply: Applicants must download, complete and submit the application form, RFA Letter of Intent and RFA forms available at the website. Deadline: May and October.

CCFA Student Research Fellowship Awards (Graduate, Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To fund a research on topics relevant to inflammatory bowel disease. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must be undergraduates, medical, or graduate students in an accredited institution in the United States. Criteria: Applicants will be judged based on novelty, feasibility, and significance of the proposal.

Funds Avail.: $2,500. Number Awarded: 16. To Apply: Applicants must download, complete and submit the application form and SRFA forms available at the website. Deadline: March 15.

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America Senior Research Awards (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide funds for research relevant to Crohn's Disease. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must have an MD, PhD or equivalent degree; must be employed in an institution or engaged in health care or health related research; must have attained independence from their mentors. Proposals must be relevant to inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colitis). Criteria: Awards will be given on the basis of scientific merit; relevance to IBD; excellence of investigator and research environment.

Funds Avail.: Maximum of $140,000. To Apply: Applicants must download, complete and submit the application form, SRA Letter of Intent and SRA forms available at the website. Deadline: January or July.

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Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America

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