Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

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Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

Palm Beach Atlantic University
PO Box 24708
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4708
Ph: (561)803-2737
Fax: (561)803-2738
Free: 888-253-6885

Christian Pharmacist Fellowship International Scholarships (Professional Development/Fellowship)

Purpose: To assist Christian students in pursuing a career of pharmacy. Focus: Pharmacy. Qualif.: Applicant must be a national CPFI member; enrolled in an accredited pharmacy college/university or training program. Criteria: Awards are given based on the merit of the application and the Christian relevance of the project.

Funds Avail.: $250 - $1000. To Apply: Applicant must send completed application form; description of the plan or project; an email support from the Dean and from an instructor/mentor; and a resume. Deadline: October 1, March 1, and June 1. Contact: Scholarship Committee Chairman, Daniel Sparado, 501-686-6491 or

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Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

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