Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Eagles Fly for Leukemia Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Barbara Palo Foster Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Tim and Tom Gullikson Foundation Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Michael A. Hunter Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Matt Stauffer Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Vera Yip Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
34th St. and Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399
ph: (215)590-1000
Free: 800-879-2467
Eagles Fly for Leukemia Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To abolish childhood cancers and enhance the lives of children and families in their communities. Focus: Health care services. Qualif.: Applicants must be survivors of childhood cancer. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the financial need.
Funds Avail.: $1,500. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must submit a complete application form. Contact:
Barbara Palo Foster Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the financial needs of young adults who have lost a parent/guardian to cancer or have a parent/guardian with cancer and are seeking higher education in the field of nursing. Focus: Nursing. Qualif.: Applicant must be 35 years or younger at the time of the application; must be a young adult who has lost a parent/guardian to cancer or has a parent/guardian with cancer; must be currently attending, or planning to attend a two- to four-year college or university or training program, and seeking a degree in the field of nursing (including graduate and
professional schools); and must demonstrate an interest in furthering patient education, focusing on persons from medically underserved communities and/or women's health issues. Criteria: Selection is based on merit and income criteria.
Funds Avail.: Varies. To Apply: Applicants must complete application.
Tim and Tom Gullikson Foundation Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To advance healthcare for children by integrating patient care, innovative research and quality professional education into all programs. Focus: General studies. Qua-lif.: Program is open to individuals with brain tumor; patients/survivors and/or children of brain tumor patients/survivors who intend to pursue programs at an accredited four-year college, university,vocational-technical school or other institution of higher learning. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.
Funds Avail.: $20,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a complete application form. Deadline: May 1.
Michael A. Hunter Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To help improve the quality of life for those affected by leukemia. Focus: General Studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduating high school seniors, community college and four-year university students who are leukemia patients and/or children of non-surviving leukemia patients; must be enrolled full-time; and must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or “B” average. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.
Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a complete application form. Deadline: May 1.
Matt Stauffer Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the financial needs of young adults who have been affected by cancer and intend to pursue higher education. Focus: Health care services. Qualif.: Applicants must be 35 years or younger at the time of application; must be young adult cancer survivor/patients diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35; must be currently attending or accepted at a two- to four-year college, university or vocational program including graduate and professional schools; and must be degree-seeking. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the demonstrated leadership abilities and commitment to their community.
Funds Avail.: varies. To Apply: Applicants must submit a complete application form.
Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the financial needs of young adults who have lost a parent/guardian to cancer or have a parent/guardian with cancer and are seeking higher education. Focus: Health care services. Qualif.: Applicants must be 35 years at younger time of application; must be young adults who have lost a parent/guardian to cancer or have a parent/guardian with cancer or the parent/guardian experienced a cancer diagnosis between the ages of 15 and 35; must be currently attending or accepted to a two- to four-year college, university or vocational program including graduate and professional schools; and must be degree-seeking. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on their demonstrated leadership abilities and commitment to their community.
Funds Avail.: Varies. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form.
Vera Yip Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the financial needs of young adults who are impacted by cancer and seeking higher education. Focus: General Studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be 35 years or younger at the time of application; must be young adult who has lost a parent/guardian to cancer or has a parent/guardian with cancer or the parent/guardian has experienced a cancer diagnosis between the ages of 15 and 35; must be currently attending or planning to attend a four-year college, university or vocational program and seeking a bachelor's degree or higher; and must have demonstrated leadership abilities and commitment to their community. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: Varies. To Apply: Applicants must accomplish complete application.
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