Chemeketa Community College: Distance Learning Programs

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Salem, Oregon
Chemeketa Online

Chemeketa Community College was founded in 1955. It is accredited by Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. It first offered distance learning courses in 1979. In fall 2003, there were 5,000 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.

Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.

Contact Ms., Distance Education, Chemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Drive, NE, PO Box 14007, Salem, OR 97309-7070. Telephone: 503-399-7873. Fax: 503-589-7628. E-mail:


AA Oregon Transfer

AAS Fire Protection Technology–Fire Prevention; Fire Protection Technology–Fire Suppression; Hospitality and Tourism Management

AGS General Studies

Certificate of Completion Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD)

Certificate Business Technology


Undergraduate— accounting; administrative and secretarial services; American literature (United States); anthropology; applied mathematics; archaeology; area, ethnic and cultural studies, other; astronomy; biological and physical sciences; biological sciences/life sciences, other; biology, general; business; business administration and management; business communications; business information and data processing services; business management and administrative services, other; chemistry; computer and information sciences, general; computer and information sciences, other; computer programming; computer science; computer software and media applications; computer systems networking and telecommunications; criminal justice and corrections; criminology; cultural studies; curriculum and instruction; data entry/microcomputer applications; developmental and child psychology; drafting; economics; education, general; education, other; English composition; English creative writing; English technical and business writing; family and community studies; fine arts and art studies; fire protection; foods and nutrition studies; geography; geological and related sciences; health and medical assistants; health and physical education/fitness; health professions and related sciences, other; history; hospitality/recreation marketing; hospitality services management; information sciences and systems; liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities; marketing operations/marketing and distribution, other; mathematical statistics; mathematics; mathematics and computer science; mathematics, other; music; philosophy; philosophy and religion; physical sciences, general; physical sciences, other; political science and government; psychology; psychology, other; real estate; religion/religious studies; social sciences and history, other; social sciences, general; sociology; speech and rhetorical studies; tourism/travel marketing.

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