Charles Babbage Institute
Charles Babbage Institute
Arthur L. Norberg Travel Grants (All/Grant)
The Adelle and Erwin Tomash Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
222-21st Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Ph: (612)624-5050
Fax: (612)625-8054
Arthur L. Norberg Travel Grants (All/Grant)
Purpose: To provide short-term grants to help scholars offset travel expenses needed to use archival collections at the Charles Babbage Institute. Focus: Information Science and Technology. Qualif.: Applicants must be scholars intending to use CBI collections for research projects. To be eligible, scholars must reside outside the Twin Cities metropolitan region. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on eligibility.
Funds Avail.: $750. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a two-page CV as well as a 500-word project description that describes the overall research project, identifies the importance of specific CBI collections, and discusses the projected outcome (journal article, book
chapter, museum exhibit, etc.). Materials must be submitted by email at or mailed at: Charles Bab-bage Institute: Norberg Travel Fund, 211 Andersen Library, University of Minnesota, 222 - 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Deadline: February 15.
The Adelle and Erwin Tomash Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To administer research projects in the history of information technology and inspire engagement in original research that is disseminated through scholarly publications and conference presentations. Focus: Information Science and Technology. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduating students of doctoral dissertation research in the history of computing. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the need of the CBI materials, research plans and willingness to make a brief presentation of the research findings.
Funds Avail.: $14,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae; a five-page, single-spaced statement and justification of the research program including a discussion of methods, research materials, evidence of faculty support for the project, and bibliography. Deadline: January 15.
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Charles Babbage Institute