Carlow College: Narrative Description

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3333 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3165
Tel: (412)578-6005; 800-333-CARLOW; Admissions: (412)578-6059; Fax: (412)578-6668; Web Site:

Description: Independent Roman Catholic, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1929. Setting: 14-acre urban campus. Endowment: $3.6 million. Educational spending 2002-03: $6014 per student. Total enrollment: 2,200. Faculty: 229 (77 full-time, 152 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 12:1. 12% from top 10% of their high school class, 32% from top quarter, 72% from top half. Students come from 12 states and territories, 4% from out-of-state, 0.4% Native American, 0.5% Hispanic, 22% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 51% 25 or older, 17% live on campus. Retention: 78% of 2003 full-time freshmen returned. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: health professions and related sciences; business/marketing; education. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at 9 members of the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education. ROTC: Army (c), Naval (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements: Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, early action, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, SAT I or ACT. Recommended: minimum 3.0 high school GPA, interview, rank in upper two-fifths of high school class. Required for some: recommendations. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 4/1, 9/30 for early action. Notification: continuous, 10/30 for early action.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $20. Comprehensive fee: $21,374 includes full-time tuition ($14,776), mandatory fees ($488), and college room and board ($6110). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program. Room and board charges vary according to board plan. Part-time tuition: $452 per credit. Part-time mandatory fees: $28 per credit. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 31 open to all; coed fraternity. Most popular organizations: Commuter Student Association, Resident Student Association, Student Athletic Association, 'Blessed' (gospel choir), Student Government Association. Major annual events: Spring Fair, Wellness Fair, Homecoming. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 342 college housing spaces available; 332 were occupied in 2002-03. No special consideration for freshman housing applicants. Option: women-only housing available. Grace Library with 81,532 books, 11,556 microform titles, 382 serials, 4,631 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2002-03: $387,620. 250 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment: The campus occupies 14 acres in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, which is the educational heart of the city. Carlow is within walking distance of several other colleges and universities, and students enjoy all the educational and social opportunities this collection of institutions offers. The school is just 10 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. The metropolitan center of Western Pennsylvania and one of the country's largest corporate headquarters, Pittsburgh is rich in educational, medical, entertainment, cultural, and business activities. Pittsburgh is also noted for its professional sports teams, ballet and theater companies, outdoor art festivals and river regattas, and multiple venues that attract a wide range of entertainment.

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