Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

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Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

1000 Sherboke St. W, Ste. 800
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A3R2
Ph: (514)985-0026
Fax: (514)985-5987
Free: 877-786-3999

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation Millennium Bursary Award (Undergraduate/Award/Prize)

Purpose: To complement provincial and territorial student assistance programs. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be post-secondary students who demonstrate merit and financial need. Criteria: Preference is given to applicants with the greatest financial need as reviewed according to the foundation's merit criteria.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Applicants may apply for the student financial assistance from their province or territory of residence. In some cases, students must indicate on their student assistance application that they wish to be considered for a millennium bursars. In most cases, students do not need to apply; their names are automatically considered when they apply from their home province or territorial governments which then provide the foundation with the names of eligible students. Contact: CMSF at the above address (see entry 1909).

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