Calista Corporation

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Calista Corporation

301 Calista Ct., Ste. A
Anchorage, AK 99518-3028
Ph: (907)279-5516
Fax: (907)272-5060

Calista Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to Alaska Natives to enable them to participate in continuing educational activities, formal programs of study and programs to improve their status. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be accepted to an accredited school and enrolling on a full-time basis; must be a high school graduate or have earned a GED and be in good academic standing with an at least 2.0 GPA; must be employees of Calista Corporation or their descendants. Criteria: Recipient will be selected based on the scholarship application requirements.

Funds Avail.: $500-$1,000. To Apply: Applicant must complete the application form available online; must have the official transcript of record; must have a copy of birth certificate or Certificate of Indian Blood; must have a letter of acceptance from their college, university or vocational school; must provide an essay (up to 500 words) describing their educational and career goals, their reasons for attending school and what they hope to accomplish in the future using the knowledge gained from their educational experience. Application form and other supporting documents must be sent to Calista Scholarship Fund, 301 Calista Ct., Ste. A, Anchorage, AK 99518-3028. Deadline: June 30.

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