Black Alliance for Educational Options

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Black Alliance for Educational Options

BAEO Children's Scholarship Fund (High School/Scholarship)
Black Student Fund (High School/Scholarship)

888 16th St. NW, Ste. 800
Washington, DC 20006
Ph: (202)429-2236
Fax: (202)349-9879

BAEO Children's Scholarship Fund (High School/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide partial tuition assistance for low-income families to send their children to private schools.

Focus: General Studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be: 5 years of age or older; from low-income families; students from kindergarten-8th grade. Criteria: Preference will be given to those students who meet the criteria.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must check the available website for the required materials. Contact: Black Alliance for Educational Options at the above address (see entry 1720).

Black Student Fund (High School/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance and support services to Washington DC metropolitan area African-American students. Focus: General Studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be African American students; must be in grades pre-kindergarten to 12; must be residents in Greater Washington area. Criteria: Preference will be given to students who meet the criteria.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must check the available website for more information. Contact: For more information, contact Gwen Thompson, Director, at 202-387-1414 or