Bibliographical Society of Canada

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Bibliographical Society of Canada

Bernard Amtmann Fellowships (Postgraduate/Grant)
Marie Tremaine Fellowships (Postgraduate/Grant)

PO Box 575, Postal Sta. P
Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 2T1

Bernard Amtmann Fellowships (Postgraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on Canada. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Criteria: Scholarship recipient will be selected based on scholastic ability. Preference is given to applicants who display great interest in research work.

Funds Avail.: $1,500. To Apply: Application forms are available at the website. Application and attachments must be sent to: Bibliographical Society of Canada PO Box 575, Postal Sta. P, Toronto, ON M5S 2T1. Deadline: February 28.

Remarks: Established in 1992, established in memory of Bernard Amtmann, the bookseller and specialist in Canadi-ana.

Marie Tremaine Fellowships (Postgraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on Canada. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Criteria: Scholarship recipient will be selected based on scholastic ability. Preference is given to applicants who display great interest in research work.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Application forms are available at the website. Application and attachments must be sent to: Bibliographical Society of Canada PO Box 575, Postal Sta. P, Toronto, ON M5S 2T1. Deadline: February 28.

Remarks: Established in 1987 in memory of and through the generosity of Marie Tremaine, the doyenne of Canadian bibliographers.

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Bibliographical Society of Canada

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