Athenaeum of Philadelphia

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Athenaeum of Philadelphia

219 S Sixth St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3794
Ph: (215)925-2688
Fax: (215)925-3755

Charles E. Peterson Research Senior Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support individuals with their education. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must hold a terminal degree and possess a distinguished record of accomplishment. Criteria: Applications are reviewed by a committee of architects, architectural historians, and educators appointed by the Athenaeum board of directors.

Funds Avail.: $5000. To Apply: Applications should be in a single-page letter with a brief statement of the project, with attached budget, schedule for completion, and professional resume, two letters of reference and submitted directly to the committee. Must not be submitted by fax or electronic mail. Deadline: January 1 and March 1.

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