The Art Institute of Colorado: Narrative Description

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1200 Lincoln St.
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: (303)837-0825; 800-275-2420; Admissions: (303)837-0825; Fax: (303)860-8520; Web Site:

Description: Proprietary, 4-year, specialized, coed. Part of Education Management Corporation. Awards associate and bachelor's degrees. Founded 1952. Setting: urban campus. Educational spending 2002-03: $8465 per student. Total enrollment: 2,226. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 20:1. 748 applied. Full-time: 1,686 students, 45% women, 55% men. Part-time: 540 students, 50% women, 50% men. Students come from 49 states and territories, 22 other countries, 50% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 6% Hispanic, 1% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 41% 25 or older, 9% live on campus, 1% transferred in. Retention: 65% of 2003 full-time freshmen returned. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, distance learning, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements: Options: early admission, deferred admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, interview. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $24,512 includes full-time tuition ($18,752) and college room and board ($5760). Full-time tuition varies according to course load. Part-time tuition: $330 per credit. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. Tuition guaranteed not to increase for student's term of enrollment.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Social organizations: 3 open to all. Most popular organizations: Culinary Student Forum, Computer Animation Club, American Society of Interior Designers Student Chapter. Major annual events: quarterly portfolio review, student picnic. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices. 254 college housing spaces available; 191 were occupied in 2002-03. Option: coed housing available. Colorado Institute of Art Learning Resource Center with 13,100 books, 200 serials, and an OPAC. Operations spending 2002-03: $130,394. 400 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.

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