Arkansas Public Health Association

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Arkansas Public Health Association

Arkansas Public Health Association Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Arkansas Society of Professional Sanitarians Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

4815 W Marketing St., Slot 52
Little Rock, AR 72205
Ph: (501)661-2392

Arkansas Public Health Association Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial support to Arkansas students. Focus: Public health. Qualif.: Applicants must be an Arkansas resident; must be enrolled, or have plans to enroll, in a field of public health; must be currently classified as at least a sophomore in college, university or approved Vo-Tech; must have at least 2.5 GPA; must demonstrate financial need. Criteria: Applicants will be judged based on the following criteria: (a) GPA; (b) Goals

in public health; (c) Honors, organizations, volunteering with health-related organizations; (d) Letter from major professor; (e) Personal reference letter; (f) Present or past public health experience; (f) Full-time student; (g) Part-time student; (h) Financial need.

Funds Avail.: $500-$1,000. To Apply: Application forms are available online. Applicants must submit official college, university, or Vo-Tech transcripts; must have a letter of recommendation from major professor; must have a letter of personal reference; must have a statement/explanation of financial need; must have an explanation in 150 words or less concerning their goals and plans with the scholarship, their past and present public health experiences. Application form and other requirements must be sent to 447 W Gaines Monticello, AR 71655. Deadline: March 16.

Arkansas Society of Professional Sanitarians Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support Arkansas students. Focus: Environmental technology. Qualif.: Applicant must be Arkansas resident; must be enrolled, or have plans to enroll, in an environmental field; must be a sophomore student; must have at least a 2.5 GPA; must demonstrate financial need. Criteria: Selection of applicants will be based on the criteria of the ASPS Scholarship Committee.

Funds Avail.: $250-$500. To Apply: Application forms are available online. Application form must be sent to Rebecca Wright, Scholarship Chairman, 1195 N Charley's Loop, Camden, AR 71701. Deadline: April 11.

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