American Risk and Insurance Association

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American Risk and Insurance Association

716 Providence Rd.
Malvern, PA 19355-3402
Ph: (610)640-1997
Fax: (610)725-1007

Griffith Foundation Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To advance knowledge in Risk Management and Insurance; To enhance the career development of its members; to provide programs, awards, and services that expand risk management and insurance knowledge; to improve academic instruction and position its members. Focus: Management. Qualif.: All applicants must be students enrolled in college majoring in actuarial science, business, or non-business making a commitment to take a risk in management and insurance course; he must be a U.S. citizen; must be at least sophomore and enrolled in an insurance, risk management, actuarial science or other related program; have a cumulative point of average of 3.0 above.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. Number Awarded: 8. To Apply: Applicant must fill out the application form and mail to the above address. Deadline: March 10. Contact: The Griffith Foundation for Insurance Education 623, High Street Wor-thington, Ohio 43085; 614-880-9870; 614-880-9872; info@

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American Risk and Insurance Association

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    American Risk and Insurance Association