American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

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American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Gateway Research Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Pre-Doctoral Fellowships in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctorate/Fellowship)
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Pre-Doctoral Fellowships in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Clinical Pharmacy Post-Pharm.D. Fellowships in the Biomedical Research Sciences (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
Minority Pharmacy Faculty New Investigator Grants (Professional Development/Grant)
Minority Student Gateway to Research Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)
Pharmacy Faculty Fellowships in Community Pharmacy Practice (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
Pharmacy Faculty Fellowships in Geriatric Pharmacy/Geriatric Pharmaceutical Science (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
Pharmacy Faculty New Investigator Grants Program (Doctorate/Grant)

One Church St., Ste. 202 Rockville, MD 20850 Ph: (301)738-2160 Fax: (301)738-2161 E-mail: URL:

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Gateway Research Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To increase the number of students who undertake a faculty-mentored research program and decide to enroll in graduate programs leading to a Ph.D. in the basic, clinical, or administrative pharmaceutical sciences. Focus: Pharmaceutical sciences. Qualif.: Scholar must be selected and nominated by a faculty member; must be enrolled in a Pharm.D. program; must have completed at least two years of college; must be enrolled in at least the first year of the professional pharmacy curriculum; and must be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program and have completed at least one year of the degree program; must be enrolled for at least one full academic year after initiation of the award; and must be U.S. citizens. Criteria: Preference will be given to applications from students who need relevant research experience in order to have the basis to decide whether to pursue the Ph.D. degree in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 15. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the application form, in MS Word format, which can be downloaded from the website or requested by letter, telephone, or fax from AFPE. Forms may also be available in the Dean's office at US schools/colleges of pharmacy. The faculty member seeking support and who will be responsible for mentoring the research scholar must provide: a copy of the faculty member's curriculum vitae including education and training, experience in research, and bibliography/publications; official copies of all of the student's college transcripts; a typewritten letter by the student (not more than one page) explaining his/her interest in a pharmaceutical science research experience and his/her potential career goal(s); two fully completed statements of recommendation and evaluation forms from the faculty applicant and a professor who is familiar with both the faculty member and the student's work. Deadline: January 25.

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Pre-Doctoral Fellowships in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To encourage outstanding African-American/Black pre-doctoral students who have completed at least

three semesters of graduate study and have not more than three years remaining to continue their studies and earn their Ph.D. in the pharmaceutical sciences at a U.S. school or college of pharmacy. To identify and support those students who have the potential to become leaders in the pharmaceutical profession. Focus: Pharmaceutical sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be Africa-American/Black students who have completed at least three semesters of graduate study toward the Ph.D. and who have no more than three years remaining to obtain the Ph.D. degree in a graduate program in the pharmaceutical sciences administered by, or affiliated with a U.S. school or college of pharmacy. Students enrolled in joint Pharm.D./Ph.D programs are eligible if they have completed the equivalent of three semesters of graduate credit toward Ph.D., and if the Ph.D. degree will be awarded within three additional years. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on academic achievement as decided by the Board of Grant based on the completed requirements.

Funds Avail.: $6,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the pre-doctoral fellowship form; statements of recommendation and evaluation forms from three college faculty members who are acquainted with applicant's progress in graduate study; and official transcripts of all collegiate grades. Deadline: March 3.

American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Pre-Doctoral Fellowships in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To encourage outstanding pre-doctoral students who have completed at least three semesters of graduate study and have not more than three years remaining to continue their studies and earn a Ph.D. in the pharmaceutical sciences at a U.S. school or college of pharmacy. Focus: Pharmaceutical sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must have completed at least three semesters of graduate study toward a Ph.D. and have no more than three years remaining to obtain a Ph.D. degree in a graduate program in the pharmaceutical sciences administered by, or affiliated with a U.S. school or college of pharmacy. Students enrolled in joint Pharm.D./Ph.D programs are eligible to apply if they have completed the equivalent of three full semesters of graduate credit toward Ph.D., and if the Ph.D. degree will be awarded within three additional years; Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit as decided by the Board of grant based on the completed requirements.

Funds Avail.: $6,000. Number Awarded: 60. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the pre-doctoral fellowship form; statements of recommendation and evaluation forms from three college faculty members who are acquainted with the student's progress in graduate study; and official transcripts of all collegiate grades. Deadline: March 3.

Clinical Pharmacy Post-Pharm.D. Fellowships in the Biomedical Research Sciences (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To enable a Pharm.D. level clinical pharmacist to obtain advanced education, training, and expertise in relevant areas of the biomedical and related basic sciences in order to become a competent clinical scientist in aca-demia, the pharmaceutical industry, institutional settings, or government, able to create and maintain a prominent peer-reviewed research program and make major contributions to the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences; to generate skilled clinical scientists capable of conducting and teaching clinically-oriented research, advanced training is required in disciplines beyond those provided in a Pharm.D. program. Focus: Biomedical research. Qualif.: Applicants must have received the Pharm.D. degree within the past ten years; must have received a postdoctoral clinical residency and/or clinical fellowship program of at least one year duration; must agree to carry out the fellowship on a full-time basis and not engage in any part-time work; must be able to provide evidence of acceptance for the desired postdoctoral training by a suitable mentor at a recognized academic/research institution, which is not necessarily a college of pharmacy; and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.

Funds Avail.: $27,500. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicants must submit a description of the fellowship program including course work to be taken and research project to be carried out; description of the mentor's research program; description of the resources and facilities available to the applicant; a curriculum vitae of both applicant and mentor; statement from the applicant outlining career aspirations and expected impact of the fellowship on career goals; agreements concerning progress reports, other financial support, full-time commitment to the program, publications, acknowledgement of AFPE support; letters of recommendation; and letters from Dean and Department Chair assuring that the fellowship recipient will be relieved of all teaching, advisory, service, clinical, and administrative responsibilities during the two-year fellowship. Deadline: February 15.

Minority Pharmacy Faculty New Investigator Grants (Professional Development/Grant)

Purpose: To serve the needs of new minority investigators by providing initial funding for their research programs. Focus: Pharmaceutical sciences; Pharmacy. Qualif.: Applicants must be African-American/Black students who have earned terminal degrees in their disciplines (Pharm.D., Ph.D.); must have regular full-time faculty appointment at the assistant professor or higher level at a U.S. School or College of Pharmacy. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the proposal review and recommendation for funding.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply:

Applicants must submit a proposal including title page, abstract, research narrative, budget, biographical sketch, animal research approval letter, human subjects research approval letter, and other supporting documents. Deadline: March 3.

Minority Student Gateway to Research Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To increase the number of African American/Black Pharm.D. students and baccalaureate science students who graduate and enroll in graduate programs leading to a Ph.D. in the basic, clinical, or administrative pharmaceutical sciences. Focus: Pharmacy. Qualif.: Scholars must be selected and nominated by a faculty member; must be African American/Black; must be enrolled in a Pharm.D. program; must have completed at least two years of college; must be enrolled in at least the first year of the professional pharmacy curriculum or in a baccalaureate degree program; must have completed at least one year of the degree program; must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents; and must be enrolled for at least one full academic year after initiation of the award. Students enrolled in joint Pharm.D./Ph.D. programs may not apply.

The student award recipient must not accept any other concurrent research support (e.g., from AACP, AFAR, ASHP, PhRMA, or any other external organization) during the 1-year scholarship period. In case of multiple source awards, the student must choose only one. Criteria: Preference will be given to applications from students who need relevant research experience in order to have a basis to decide whether to pursue the Ph.D. degree in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply:

Faculty member seeking support and who will be responsible for mentoring the research scholar must provide: a copy of the faculty/member's curriculum vitae including education and training, experience in research, and bibliography/publications; official copies of all of the student's college transcripts; completed application; a letter written by the student (must be not more than one page and typewritten); and two fully completed statements of recommendation and evaluation forms from the faculty applicant and a professor who is familiar with both the faculty member and the student's work. Deadline: January 25.

Pharmacy Faculty Fellowships in Community Pharmacy Practice (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To increase the number of full-time faculty at schools/colleges of pharmacy with specific expertise in community pharmacy practice teaching and/or research. To develop pharmacy college teaching faculty and/or researchers capable of making major contributions to curriculum design, experiential education, clinical research, and/or basic research in the area of community pharmacy practice. Focus: Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must have received the Pharm.D. degree, preferably within the past ten years, and may also hold a B.S. and/or M.S; must have completed post-doctoral work in community pharmacy practice as documented by curriculum development, publications, community pharmacy experiential education activities, and/or basic research; must agree to carry out the fellowship on a full-time basis and not engage in any part-time work; and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on proposals.

Funds Avail.: $25,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply:

Applicants must provide a letter with his/her application from his/her Dean or Department Chair assuring that the applicant will be relieved of all teaching or clinical responsibilities during the fellowship period; and evidence of acceptance for the desired fellowship training by a suitable mentor at a recognized academic and/or research institution, which is not necessarily a school/college of pharmacy. Deadline: May 30.

Pharmacy Faculty Fellowships in Geriatric Pharmacy/Geriatric Pharmaceutical Science (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To increase the number of full-time faculty at schools/colleges of pharmacy with specific expertise in geriatric pharmacy and/or geriatric pharmaceutical sciences; to generate pharmacy college faculty teachers and/or researchers capable of making major contributions to curriculum design, experiential education, clinical research, and basic research in priority areas of geriatric pharmacy and/or geriatric pharmaceutical sciences. Focus: Geriatric; Pharmaceutical sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must have received the Pharm.D. degree preferably within the past ten years and may also hold a B.S. and/or M.S;

must have completed post-doctoral work in geriatric pharmacy and/or geriatric pharmaceutical science as documented by curricula development, publications, geriatric clinical pharmacy service delivery, and/or basic research; must agree to carry out the fellowship on a full-time basis and not engage in any part-time work; and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on proposals.

Funds Avail.: $25,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply:

Applicants must provide a letter with his/her application from his/her Dean, or Department Chair assuring that the applicant will be relieved of all teaching or clinical responsibilities; a letter with his/her application form from his/her Dean assuring that the applicant's educational institution will provide a minimum of $25,000 in matching financial support for the applicants during the six-month fellowship period; and evidence of acceptance for the desired fellowship training by a suitable mentor at a recognized academic and/or research institution, not necessarily a school/college of pharmacy. Deadline: March 3.

Faculty New Investigator Grants Program (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To serve the needs of new investigators by providing initial funding for their research programs. Focus: Pharmacy. Qualif.: Applicants must have earned terminal degrees in their disciplines and have regular full-time faculty appointment at the assistant professor level. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on a review of the proposals.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. Number Awarded: 15. To Apply:

Applicants must submit a title page with signatures of department chair and dean; abstract page; research narrative; budget page; biographical sketch; animal research approval letter (if applicable); and other supporting documentation. Successful applicants must submit two copies of a final report and two copies of any reprints of abstract/papers published in referred journals. Deadline: May 23.

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