American Academy of Optometry

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American Academy of Optometry

The William C. Ezell Fellowships (Postgraduate/Fellowship)
Terrance Ingraham Pediatric Optometry Residency Award (Graduate/Award/Prize)
VISTAKON George Mertz and Sheldon Wechsler Residency Awards (All/Award/Prize)
Antoinette M. Molinari Memorial Scholarships (Doctorate/Scholarship)
VISTAKON Research Grants (All/Grant)
VSP Research Grants (All/Grant)

6110 Executive Blvd., Ste. 506
Rockville, MD 20852
Ph: (301)984-1441
Fax: (301)984-4737

The William C. Ezell Fellowships (Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To encourage talented persons to pursue full-time careers in optometric research and education. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicants must be post-graduate students, continuing a full-time study and training in research that leads to a Masters or PhD degree. Criteria: Applicants fellowship applications will be reviewed by the Research Committee of the American Academy of Optometry and recommendations will then be sent to the AOF Board which approves and funds the Ezell Fellowships.

Funds Avail.: $8,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit application form together with three letters of recommendation from the persons qualified to comment on his/her educational qualifications, research abilities and potential and current and future teaching capabilities; one-page statement describing the applicant's educational objectives, future research and/or teaching interest and career objectives; and a copy of scientific publications, copies of papers in press must be included. Deadline: March 14.

Terrance Ingraham Pediatric Optometry Residency Award (Graduate/Award/Prize)

Purpose: To promote the practice and development of the field of pediatric optometry by providing incentive and support to talented optometric residents who demonstrate a passion and commitment to practice, research and education in the field of children's vision. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicant must be an optometrist continuing a pediatric/vision therapy residency at an accredited school or college of optometry. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their educational background and their ability and potential as teachers, researchers, and practitioners in the field of pediatric optometry.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicant must submit an application which includes applicant's education, research and teaching experience; a description of the applicant's residency program and his/her plans for the next academic year; a one-page statement of the applicant's career goals; three letters of recommendation from persons qualified to comment on educational qualifications, research abilities and potential. Deadline: March 1.

VISTAKON George Mertz and Sheldon Wechsler Residency Awards (All/Award/Prize)

Purpose: To promote the practice and development of the field of optometry by providing incentive and support to talented optometric residents who demonstrate a passion and commitment to practice, research, and education. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicant must be optometrist continuing a contact lens residency program at an accredited school or college of optometry. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated primarily on the basis of their educational background and their ability and potential as teachers, researchers and practitioners in the field of contact lenses.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit summary of the their education, research and teaching experience; description of the residency program and plans for the next academic year; one-page statement of the applicant's career goals; and three letters of reference. Deadline: March 1.

Antoinette M. Molinari Memorial Scholarships (Doctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To assist an exceptional student who has extraordinary financial needs and would have difficulty

meeting the financial requirements of attending an optom-etry school. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicants must be students pursuing a doctorate of optometry through a full-time course of study and who maintain a grade point average of 3.5 (4 point scale) or higher for all course work taken in optometry school. Criteria: Recipient will be selected based on academic and leadership potential and financial need.

Funds Avail.: $6,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form together with the requirements. Deadline: June 2.

VISTAKON Research Grants (All/Grant)

Purpose: To encourage talented persons to pursue full-time careers in optometry. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicants must be individuals in optometry and vision science. Criteria: Applicants will be judged by the VISTAKON Research Grants Selection Committee based on some criteria.

Funds Avail.: $10,000 to $25,000. To Apply: Applicant must submit proposal electronically and must contain the following components: introduction; background and significance; specific aims; preliminary studies; and study design and methods. These sections should total no more than five pages. References (maximum of one page) Budget and budget justification (maximum of one page) Biographical sketch(es) of Principal and one co-investigator only (maximum of two pages for each investigator) Education/training; research and professional experience; honors and awards publications (refereed) for the last three years and representative earlier publications. Deadline: June 1.

VSP Research Grants (All/Grant)

Purpose: To support the research into the efficacy of opto-metric care and optometric medical interventions. Focus: Optometry. Qualif.: Applicants must be individuals who are research-oriented, including but not limited to individual researchers; corporations; schools and colleges of optometry; schools and colleges of public health; schools and colleges of medicine; professional associations; and private foundations. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated by the American Academy of Optometry's Research Committee.

Funds Avail.: $42,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit proposals, electronically, which must contain the following components: introduction; background and significance; specific aims; preliminary studies; and study design and methods. These sections should total no more than five pages. References (maximum of one page) Budget and budget justification (maximum of one page) Biographical sketch(es) of Principal and one co-investigator only (maximum of two pages for each investigator) Education/training; research and professional experience; honors and awards. Publications (refereed) for the last three years and representative earlier. Deadline: March 1.

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