Air Force Association
Air Force Association
AFROTC Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Air Force Association Excellence Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Air Force Association/Grantham Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Air Force Association Spouse Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Jodi Callahan Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Lt. Col. Romeo and Josephine Bass Fer-retti Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Pitsenbarger Awards (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
1501 Lee Highway
Arlington, VA 22209-1198
Free: 800-727-3337
AFROTC Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To educate the public about the critical role of aerospace power in the defense of the nation. Focus: Aerospace. Qualif.: Applicants must be current Air Force ROTC cadets in good standing, enrolled full-time as incoming juniors or seniors for the academic year; and must be committed to studying in the fields of science, technology, engineering or math. Criteria: Selection of the recipients must be made by a selection board. The selection board must consider a combination of both academic merit and financial need. AFROTC will verify the applicant's financial need. AFROTC may select a prior award winner to receive this scholarship. AFROTC will make arrangement ad at their expense, make the cadets available to receive their scholarship at the Air Force Associations' Air and Space Conference and Technology Exhibition. Cadets must appear in uniform to receive their scholarship.
Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit complete application package to Captain Douglas Huttenlocker. Contact: Captain Douglas Huttenlocker;
Air Force Association Excellence Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To educate the public about the critical role of aerospace power in the defense of the nation. Focus: Aerospace. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll, full-time or part-time in an undergraduate or graduate program of studies leading to an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree at an accredited college or university. Criteria: Scholarship is given based on the committee's criteria and applicant's eligibility.
Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 5. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed scholarship application form and three essays to the Air Force Association. Deadline: April 30. Contact: Anne Sagle; 800-727-3337 ext. 4869.
Air Force Association/Grantham Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To promote aerospace education, specifically the study of science, mathematics and technology. Focus:
Aerospace Science. Qualif.: Candidates must have a high school diploma or GED and must be members of AFA or their dependents. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds Avail.: $28,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form; a two-page, double-spaced essay describing your academic and career goals and explaining why you are interested in pursuing your degree via an online degree program. Explain why this is the right time in your life and why you would be committed to continuing your education to get a degree; two letters of recommendation (These should be character references with descriptions of your performance and your potential as a student); and proof of GED completion or high school transcripts (or college transcripts if applicable). College transcript(s) and proof of undergraduate degree are required for the graduate programs. Applicants will be required to provide us with information requested on a feedback form six months after the scholarship is awarded.
Air Force Association Spouse Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To encourage Air Force spouses worldwide to pursue associates/bachelor undergraduate or graduate/postgraduate degrees. Focus: Aerospace. Qualif.: Applicants must be spouses of Air Force Active Duty, Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve. Spouses who are themselves Air Force members, or in ROTC, are not eligible. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria and applicant's eligibility.
Funds Avail.: $2,500. To Apply: Applicants must include the following in their application: an original or copy of the most recent college/university transcript or a report card from your last semester verifying your minimum 3.5 GPA or higher; proof of acceptance into a regionally accredited community college/college/university (this may consist of a short letter on college/university stationery from either the admissions office or the registrar); a two-page double-spaced essay, describing your academic and career goals and the motivation which led you to this decision and describing how Air Force and other local community activities in which you are involved will enhance your goals; two letters of recommendation (should be character references and descriptions of performance and potential as a student, employee or volunteer); a letter of endorsement from the local AFA Chapter would be welcomed and encouraged. (the two letters must be from the different sources). Letters from previous or present professors, employers and volunteer organizations referencing work you have done are encouraged.
Jodi Callahan Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide scholarships for active duty of Air Force, full-time Air National Guard or full-time Air Force Reserve. Focus: Aerospace. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled in the current or upcoming semester with a minimum of 3 credit hours or the equivalent. Proof of acceptance may consist of a short letter on college/university stationery from either the admissions office or the registrar. A minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 is required. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Applicants must complete both online portion and mail required documents by the deadline to be considered: one letter of recommendation from the Air Force supervisor or commander; proof of acceptance into an accredited college/university; and proof of Grade Point Average. Applicants essay should describe the academic goals and how you expect your degree to enhance your service to the Air Force. The letter of recommendation should include a character reference, a description of your performance and an assessment of your potential as an Air Force leader and volunteer. Deadline: June 30. Contact: Lynetter Cross 800-727-3337 ext. 4807.
Lt. Col. Romeo and Josephine Bass Fer-retti Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide educational assistance for graduating high school students. Focus: Science; Technology; Engineering. Qualif.: Applicants must be in their final year of high school and must be entering an accredited institute of higher learning. Applicants must state an intent to study in the area of science, technology, engineering or math. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds Avail.: $2,500. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Students must submit an application to Douglas J. Hutten-locker, Capt., USAF. Contact: Douglas J. Huttenlocker, Capt., USAF; Chief, Operations and Support Branch, HQ AFROTC/DOS; 334-953-6396;
Pitsenbarger Awards (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide a one-time grant to selected top USAF enlisted personnel. Focus: Aerospace. Qualif.: Applicants must be USAF personnel and graduating from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) who plan to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Criteria: Recipient selection is determined at the base level by a committee of the Base Education Officer, Senior Enlisted Advisor and a local Air Force Association (AFA) representative. Committee considers job performance, scholastic achievement, educational goals and leadership qualities. Total achievements will be carefully considered by the selection committee.
Funds Avail.: $500. To Apply: Applicants may download an application form at AFA web site.
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Air Force Association