Adult Higher Education Alliance

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Adult Higher Education Alliance

St. Edward's University
3001 S Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
Ph: (512)428-1333

International Graduate Student Awards (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To assist students in the field of Adult Higher Education. Focus: Adult Education. Qualif.: Applicants must be undertaking graduate or post graduate studies in the field of adult education and must not receive other financial support. Criteria: Selection is based on the application and other materials.

Funds Avail.: $1000. To Apply: Send nomination letters electronically to, Subject: Scholarship Submission. Letter must include names, affiliated college/university, role (faculty/administrator/student), and answers to the application questions. Deadline: July 31.

Remarks: In memory of the founder of the Alliance. Contact: Prof. Isaac Owalabi, Alliance Past President,

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