Wealden house

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Wealden house. Medieval timber-framed dwelling type found mainly in the South-East of England, and named after the Weald, a district, once forested, between the North and South Downs. It consists of an open hall the full height of the structure with a two-storey bay on each side of the hall, having a single roof in one direction over the whole, the ridge of the pitched roof (sometimes hipped) following the length. The upper floors of the end-bays project on jetties on the front elevation, but the eaves are continuous, so that part of the roof over the set-back hall wall rests on a flying wall-plate supported on diagonal (often curved) braces in line with the front of the jettied first-floor wall. A single-ended or half-Wealden house is similar, but has only one jettied bay.


Alcock,, Barley,, Dixon,, & and Meeson (1996);
Brunskill (1987, 1994, 2000)

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