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682. Virtuousness (See also Honesty, Righteousness.)

  1. Amelia faithful wife of William Booth, often in debtors prison, saved by her purity from the men who prey upon her. [Br. Lit.: Amelia ]
  2. Andrews, Pamela servant who, despite threats, attempted seduction, and imprisonment by her master, remains chaste till their marriage. [Br. Lit.: Richardson Pamela ]
  3. Andromache thinks only of family; rejects kings advances. [Fr. Lit.: Andromache ]
  4. Apostrophia epithet of Aphrodite, meaning rejecter of sinful passion. [Gk. Myth.: Misc.]
  5. Christian John Bunyans virtuous, well-traveled hero. [Br. Lit.: Pilgrims Progress ]
  6. Erlynne, Mrs. gains socially admirable title of good woman. [Br. Lit.: Lady Windermeres Fan, Magill I, 488490]
  7. Galahad, Sir noblest and purest knight of the Round Table. [Br. Lit.: Le Morte dArthur ]
  8. Guyon, Sir embodiment of virtuous self-control. [Br. Lit.: Faerie Queene ]
  9. Marina a piece of virtue. [Br. Lit.: Pericles ]
  10. Nickleby, Kate pure-minded sister of Nicholas; repulses all advances. [Br. Lit.: Nicholas Nickleby ]
  11. Pamela sweet maidservant who chastely repels disgraceful advances, marries her aristocratic pursuer, and attempts to reform him. [Br. Lit.: Richardson Pamela ]
  12. Susanna rejects advances of elderly men. [Apocrypha: Susanna]
  13. Thirty-Six Righteous Men the minimum number of anonymous individuals in each generation believed to have the virtues and humility to which the world owes its continued existence. [Jew. Legend: Encyclopedia Judaica, X, 1367]
  14. Tuesdays child full of grace. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 309]
  15. Wilkes, Melanie virtuous, long-suffering wife of Ashley. [Am. Lit.: Gone With the Wind ]

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