
views updated Jun 11 2018

sol1 / sōl/ (also so) • n. Mus. (in solmization) the fifth note of a major scale. ∎  the note G in the fixed-do system.sol2 / säl; sôl/ • n. Chem. a fluid suspension of a colloidal solid in a liquid.sol3 / sōl; sôl/ (also nue·vo sol / ˈnwāvō/ ) • n. (pl. so·les / ˈsōlāz; ˈsôles/ ) the basic monetary unit of Peru, equal to 100 centavos. It replaced the inti in 1991.


views updated Jun 11 2018

sol2 (mus.) fifth note of the scale in solmization. XIV. See UT.
Hence solfa set of syllables (do, re, mi, etc.) sung to the notes of the major scale XVI; as vb., repl. †solf(e) (XIV) — (O)F. solfier. So solfeggio exercise in which the solfa is employed. XVIII. — It. solmization XVIII. — F., f. solmiser, f. sol SOL2 + mi MI. See -IZE, -ATION.


views updated May 08 2018

1. Colloidal solution (see COLLOID) or dispersion of solid particles in a liquid, as in a completely fluid mud. Compare QUICK CLAY; and GEL.

2. One martian day (=24.7 hours).


views updated May 23 2018

sol. The 5th degree (dominant) of major scale and so used (spelt soh) in Tonic Sol-fa. In many countries, where fixed-doh principles apply, it means the note G in any key, thus sol dièse is G♯ in Fr.


views updated Jun 11 2018

sol1 sun; (alch.) gold XIV; (her.) or XVII. — L. sōl SUN


views updated Jun 11 2018

Sol / säl; sōl/ Roman Mythol. the sun, esp. when personified as a god.


views updated May 21 2018

SOL • abbr. vulgar slang shit out of luck.


views updated May 29 2018

sol A colloidal solution, i.e. a suspension of particles intermediate in size between ordinary molecules (as in a solution) and coarse particles (as in a suspension). A jelly‐like sol is a gel.


views updated May 11 2018

sol A colloid in which small solid particles are dispersed in a liquid continuous phase.


views updated May 21 2018

sol A substance composed of small solid particles dispersed in a liquid to form a continuous, homogeneous phase (i.e. a type of colloid, e.g. a completely fluid mud).

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