Rossi, Domenico

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Rossi, Domenico (1657–1737). A pupil of Longhena, he made his name as a designer of firework displays and as an expert on explosives before he turned to the less ephemeral pursuit of architecture after winning the competition to design the façade of the Church of San'Staë (Sant'Eustachio), Venice (1709–22), a handsome engaged temple-fronted composition on the Grand Canal. Thereafter his output was prolific, and included palazzi (e.g. Palazzo Corner della Regina, Venice (1723–c.1730)), churches, and villas. Among his many works the Archiepiscopal Palace, Udine (1708–25), and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta (Jesuit Church), Venice (1714–29—with others).


D. Howard (1980);
D. Lewis (1979);
Placzek (ed.) (1982)

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