daub / dôb/ • v. [tr.] coat or smear (a surface) with a substance in a carelessly rough or liberal way: she daubed her face with cream. ∎ spread (a thick or sticky substance) on a surface in such a way: a canvas with paint daubed on it. ∎ paint (words or drawings) on a surface in such a way.• n. 1. plaster, clay, or another substance used for coating a surface. ∎ a patch or smear of a substance.2. a painting executed without much skill.
daub coat with a layer of mortar, etc. XIV; lay on colours crudely XVII. — OF. dauber :- L. dēalbāre whiten, whitewash, plaster, f. DE- 3 + albus white.
Hence daub sb. mortar, plaster XV; coarsely executed painting XVIII.
daub. Mud, clay, etc., placed on a backing. See also wattle-and-daub.
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