con·flu·ence / ˈkänˌfloōəns; kənˈfloōəns/ • n. the junction of two rivers, esp. rivers of approximately equal width: here at the confluence of the Laramie and North Platte Rivers. ∎ an act or process of merging: a major confluence of the world's financial markets.
a flowing together or the result of such an action; a merging; a large number of persons, animals, or things gathered together from various quarters; a concourse; a crowd; a multitude.
Examples: confluence of association [historical], 1856; of blood, 1635; of brooks, 1794; of dissenting clergymen, 1847; of all comforts, 1654; of ethereal fire, 1742; of young gentlemen, 1673; of grace, 1711; of joys; of shady lanes, 1863; of men, 1596; of particles, 1865; of people, 1818; of prosperous successes, 1606; of rivers, 1828; of rivulets, 1692; of visitants, 1751; of visitors, 1697; of waters, 1615.
confluence Of air flow, convergence of adjacent streamlines, which increases air velocity. See also CONVERGENCE.