
views 1,220,059 updated May 23 2018

colonnade. Series of columns in a straight line supporting an entablature: when standing before a building, supports a roof, and serves as a porch, it is a portico; and if it is carried around three or four sides of a building exterior or round a court or garden it is a peristyle. A colonnade is defined in terms of its number of columns (see portico) and in terms of spaces between columns (see interco-lumniation). See also temple.


views 3,257,746 updated May 23 2018

col·on·nade / ˌkäləˈnād/ • n. a row of columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arcade. ∎  a row of trees or other tall objects.DERIVATIVES: col·on·nad·ed adj.


views 3,269,498 updated May 08 2018

colonnade Sets of regular columns that form the lower part of a thick lava flow showing columnar jointing and lie beneath an entablature.


views 2,036,616 updated May 21 2018

colonnade XVIII. — F., f. colonne COLUMN; see -ADE.

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