
views updated May 21 2018

A. in renderings of Johannes Cassianus' ‘Collationes Patrum in Scetico eremo commorantium’ (Conferences of hermits in the Egyptian desert); reading of this at monastic meals XIII; light meal after such reading XIV; light meal (gen.) XVI
B. bringing together, esp. for comparison XIV
C. bestowal, spec. of a benefice XIV. Occurs first in sense A in AN. form collatiun, and later (XIV) in the form collacion, -tion — L. collātiō, -ōn- contribution, collection, comparison, in medL. conference, repast, noun of action to conferre CONFER; see COLLATE -ATION.


views updated May 17 2018

col·la·tion / kəˈlāshən; kō-; kä-/ • n. 1. the action of collating something: data management and collation.2. a light, informal meal. ∎  (in the Roman Catholic Church) a light meal allowed during a fast.


views updated May 14 2018


things brought together, as different varieties or denominations of money, of food, etc., the possessions of a person. See also contribution, hotch-potch.

Examples: collation of chicken; of food (e.g., cold collation); of money, 1382; of salad.

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