
views updated May 29 2018

ar·ray / əˈrā/ • n. 1. an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing: a vast array of literature on the topic.2. an ordered arrangement, in particular: ∎  an arrangement of troops. ∎  Math. an arrangement of quantities or symbols in rows and columns; a matrix. ∎  Comput. an ordered set of related elements. ∎  Law a list of jurors empaneled.3. poetic/lit. elaborate or beautiful clothing: he was clothed in fine array.• v. 1. [tr.] (usu. be arrayed) display or arrange (things) in a particular way: arrayed across the table was a buffet.2. [tr.] (usu. be arrayed in) dress someone in (the clothes specified): they were arrayed in Hungarian national dress.3. [tr.] Law empanel (a jury).


views updated May 23 2018

1. An ordered collection of elements of the same type, the number of elements being fixed unless the array is flexible.

Each element in an array is distinguished by a unique list of index values that determine its position in the array. Each index is of a discrete type. The number of indices is fixed, and the number and ordering of the indices determines the dimensionality of the array.

A one-dimensional array, or vector, consists of a list of elements distinguished by a single index. If v is a one-dimensional array and i is an index value, then vi refers to the ith element of v. If the index ranges from L through U then the value L is called the lower bound of v and U is the upper bound. Usually in mathematics and often in mathematical computing the index type is taken as integer and the lower bound is taken as one.

In a two-dimensional array, or matrix, the elements are ordered in the form of a table comprising a fixed number of rows and a fixed number of columns. Each element in such an array is distinguished by a pair of indexes. The first index gives the row and the second gives the column of the array in which the element is located. The element in the ith row and jth column is called the i,jth element of the array. If i ranges from L1 through U1 and j ranges from L2 through U2 then L1 is the first lower bound of the array, U1 is the first upper bound, L2 is the second lower bound and U2 is the second upper bound. Again it is common practice to take the indexes as integers and to set both L1 and L2 equal to one. An example of such a two-dimensional array with U1 = m, U2 = n is given in the diagram.

In three-dimensional arrays the position of each element is distinguished by three indexes. Arrays of higher dimension are similarly defined.

2. Short for disk array. See also RAID.


views updated May 09 2018


The entire group of jurors selected for a trial from which a smaller group is subsequently chosen to form a petit jury or agrand jury; the list of potential jurors.

Virtually all states have enacted statutes delineating requirements for jury service. In most states, convicted felons and insane persons cannot be jurors. Professional persons such as judicial and government officials, lawyers, ministers, and medical personnel may be exempted by statute from jury service.

As a general rule, a group of local officials acting within the statutory framework select the persons who will make up the array.


views updated May 08 2018

array A geometrical distribution or pattern. A line of geophones or shot points constitutes an array, as does a line of electrodes for a resistivity survey. See also ELECTRODE CONFIGURATION.


views updated May 14 2018

array XIV. — AN. arai, OF. arei (mod. arroi), f. AN. araier, OF. areer :- Rom. *arrēdāre put in order, f. AR- + Gmc. *ræō- prepare (see CURRY1).
So array vb. XIII.


views updated Jun 11 2018


an orderly collection; an imposing series of things or group of persons; a disposition of troops. See also display, host, militia, series.

Examples: array of attorneys [in court]; of Doric cities, 1846; of cliffs, 1856; of facts; of figures [numerals]; of hedgehogs; of sapphire and gold, 1814; of soldiers; of teeth, 1843.

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