Antoine, Jacques-Denis

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Antoine, Jacques-Denis (1733–1801). French architect, active in the Louis Seize period, appointed in 1766 to build the severely Neo-Classical Hôtel des Monnaies (the Mint), Quai de Conti, Paris (1768–75), reckoned by Quatremère de Quincy to be one of the finest French public buildings. He completed the Barrières des Fermiers Généraux (toll-gates), Paris, after Ledoux was dismissed in 1787. His town-houses for the aristocracy, including the rigorously plain Hôtel Brochet de Saint-Prest, now École des Ponts-et-Chaussées (c.1768–74), and the Hôtel de Jaucourt, Rue de Varennes (1770), as well as his country residences, among which may be mentioned the Château de Herces in Berchères-sur-Vesgres, near Houdan (1770–2), are in a strict Neo-Classical style. As architect to the Révérends Pères de la Charité, he built hospitals, including the Hôpital de la Charité, Paris (c.1760s), probably the first building with a baseless Greek Doric portico in the French capital.


Builder (1980);
Hautecœur (1952);
Middleton & and Watkin (1987);
Placzek (ed.) (1982);
Jane Turner (1996)

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