Pampas floral region

views updated May 18 2018

Pampas floral region Part of R. Good's (1974, The Geography of the Flowering Plants) Neotropical floral kingdom: it lies east of the Andes, and between the tropical flora of Brazil and the temperate flora of Patagonia. The flora is relatively poor, with only about 50 endemic genera (see endemism), all of them small. In terms of vegetation the region is dominated by the pampas. Few garden plants or important economic plants come from this region, although the pineapple (Ananas comosus) comes from Paraguay. See also floral province and floristic region.

Pampas floral region

views updated May 21 2018

Pampas floral region Part of R. Good's (The Geography of the Flowering Plants, 1974) neotropical kingdom: it lies east of the Andes, and between the tropical flora of Brazil and the temperate flora of Patagonia. The flora is relatively poor, with only about 50 endemic genera (see ENDEMISM), all of them small. In terms of vegetation the region is dominated by the pampas. Few garden plants and no very important economic plants come from this region. See also FLORAL PROVINCE and FLORISTIC REGION.

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