Limiting Factor

views updated Jun 11 2018

Limiting factor

Limiting factors are environmental influences that constrain the productivity of organisms, populations, or communities and thereby prevent them from achieving their full biological potential which could be realized under optimal conditions. Limiting factors can be single elements or a group of related factors.

The environment of organisms must be suitable in many respects. Environmental factors must satisfy minimum and maximum criteria for life. For example, temperature cannot be too cold or hot, and the availability of nutrients cannot be too small or too large. The minimal criteria for metabolically essential environmental factors represent the least availability that will sustain organisms or ecological processes, while the maxima represent toxicity or other biological damages. The minimum and maximum levels of environmental factors bound a relatively broad range within which there are optimal levels at which factors exert no constraints on biological productivity.

The principle of limiting factors is an ecological generalization that suggests that, at any given time in a particular ecosystem , productivity is constrained by a single, metabolically essential factor that is present in least supply relative to the potential biological demand. This limiting factor could be climatic, as is the case of sub-optimal conditions of temperature, windspeed, or moisture. Or the factor could involve an insufficient supply of a particular nutrient, or an excessive, toxic availability of another chemical. In this sense, the limiting factor represents a type of ecological stress which if alleviated will result in greater productivity and development of the ecosystem.

The potential limitations by particular environmental factors are best studied by doing experiments, preferably in the field. For example, limitations of tundra vegetation by climatic factors such as cool temperatures have been studied by enclosing small areas of intact vegetation within greenhouses. Limitations by particular nutrients such as phosphate or nitrate have been studied by fertilization experiments in which nutrients are added alone or in combination with others. Limitations by toxic environmental factors can sometimes be studied by transplanting organisms into cleaner environments, for example, away from a place that is polluted by sulfur dioxide . If these sorts of experiments are properly designed and the organisms do not respond to manipulation of a particular environmental characteristic, then it was not the limiting environmental factor.

The principle of limiting factors can be illustrated by reference to the productivity of phytoplankton in lakes, that is, the community of unicellular algae that live in the water column. In most freshwater lakes algal productivity is limited by the availability of inorganic phosphorus in the form of the ion phosphate. When experimentally fertilized with phosphate, most lake waters will respond by a large increase in productivity. (This will also happen if the lake receives phosphate through sewage inputs or agricultural runoff). In contrast, if the lake water is fertilized with other important nutrients such as nitrate, ammonium, potassium, or inorganic carbon , there will be no increase in productivity, indicating that these are not primary limiting nutrients. However, if the lake water is first well fertilized with phosphate, its productivity will then respond to nitrate addition, indicating that this source of inorganic nitrogen is the secondary limiting factor.

See also Ecological productivity; Ecosystem; Eutrophication; Stress, ecological.

limiting factor

views updated May 29 2018

limiting factor Any environmental factor that – by its decrease, increase, absence, or presence – limits the growth, metabolic processes, or distribution of organisms or populations. In a desert ecosystem, for example, low rainfall and high temperature will be factors limiting colonization. When a metabolic process is affected by more than one factor, the law of limiting factors states that its rate is limited by the factor that is nearest its minimum value. For example, photosynthesis is affected by many factors, such as light, temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration, but on a warm sunny day carbon dioxide concentration will be the limiting factor as light and temperature will be at optimum levels.

limiting factor

views updated May 23 2018

limiting factor (ecological factor) Any environmental condition or set of conditions that approaches most nearly the limits of tolerance (maximum or minimum) for a given organism. It was defined originally as the essential material that is available in an amount most closely approaching the critical minimum needed, but the term is now used more generally.

limiting factor

views updated May 17 2018

limiting factor (ecological factor) Defined originally as whichever essential material is available in an amount most closely approaching the critical minimum needed, but now used more generally to describe any environmental condition or set of conditions that approaches most nearly the limits (maximum or minimum) of tolerance for a given organism.

limiting factor

views updated May 11 2018

limiting factor(ecological factor) Defined originally as whichever essential material is available in an amount most closely approaching the critical minimum needed, but now used more generally to describe any environmental condition or set of conditions that approaches most nearly the limits (maximum or minimum) of tolerance for a given organism.

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