Lagrangian current measurement

views updated May 08 2018

Lagrangian current measurement A technique for measuring water movements by tracing the path of a water particle over a long time interval. A device is released into the water and allowed to drift passively with it. Measurements can be made, e.g. by following and plotting the progressive position of a neutrally buoyant float for sub-surface currents, or a drift pole or buoy for surface-water movements.

Lagrangian current measurement

views updated May 18 2018

Lagrangian current measurement A technique for measuring water movements by tracing the path of a water particle over a long time interval. A device is released into the water and allowed to drift passively with it. Measurements can be made, e.g. by following and plotting the progressive position of a neutrally buoyant float for subsurface currents, or a drift pole or buoy for surface-water movements.

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