LaGuardia, Cheryl M.
LaGUARDIA, Cheryl M.
PERSONAL: Born in Sidney, NY; daughter of Enrico (an accountant) and Leta (a writer; maiden name, Milks) LaGuardia. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: State University of New York—College at Oneonta, B.S., 1976; State University of New York—Albany, M.L.S., 1978.
ADDRESSES: Offıce—Research Services, Widener Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. E-mail—
CAREER: Union College, Schenectady, NY, head of interlibrary loan program, 1978-87; University of California—Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, assistant head of reference and coordinator of database and instructional services at Davidson Library, 1987-94; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, began as coordinator of Electronic Teaching Center (now Larsen Room), became head of instructional services at Harvard College Library, 1994—.
MEMBER: American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Library Instruction Group.
AWARDS, HONORS: Louis Shores/Oryx Press Award for Excellence in Reviewing, American Library Association, 1996, and named "E-media Reviewer of the Year," Library Journal, 2000, both for the column "Database and Disc Reviews"; Distinguished Alumni Award, Nelson Rockefeller School of Information and Public Policy, State University of New York—Albany, 1996.
The CD-ROM Primer: The ABCs of CD-ROM, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 1992.
(Editor, with Stella Bentley and Janet Mantorana) TheUpside of Downsizing: Using Library Instruction to Cope, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 1995.
(With others) Teaching the New Library: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Planning and Designing Instructional Programs, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 1996.
(Editor, with Barbara A. Mitchell) Finding CommonGround: Creating the Library of the Future without Diminishing the Library of the Past, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 1998.
(Editor) Recreating the Academic Library: BreakingVirtual Ground, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 1998.
(With Christine K. Oka) Becoming a Library Teacher:Proven Strategies for Delivering Instruction, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 2000.
(Editor) Magazines for Libraries, 11th edition, R. R. Bowker (New Providence, NJ), 2002.
Designing, Building, and Teaching in the ElectronicLibrary Classroom, Neal-Schuman Publishers (New York, NY), 2002.
Author of "Database and Disc Reviews," a column in Library Journal, 1992—, editor, 1998—. Contributor to library periodicals. Member of editorial board, Journal of Academic Librarianship and Reference Services Review.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on teaching librarians to teach and on professional interviewing techniques.
Booklist, August, 2000, Roger Leslie, review of Becoming a Library Teacher: Proven Strategies for Delivering Instruction, p. 2151.
Book Report, November-December, 1995, Dana McDougald, review of The CD-ROM Primer: The ABCs of CD-ROM, p. 15.
Electronic Library, February, 1998, Dave Parkes, review of Teaching the New Library: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Planning and Designing Instruction Programs, p. 62.
Library Journal, June 1, 1994, John Maxymuk, review of The CD-ROM Primer, p. 174; January, 1996, Betty J. Glass, review of The Upside of Downsizing: Using Library Instruction to Cope, p. 152; May 1, 1998, Dean C. Rowan, review of Finding Common Ground: Creating the Library of the Future without Diminishing the Library of the Past, p. 146; October 15, 1998, Robert Battenfeld, review of Recreating the Academic Library: Breaking Virtual Ground, p. 106; March 15, 2000, Janet Brewer, review of Becoming a Library Teacher, p. 134.
Library Notes, September, 2000, "E-Media Reviewer of the Year: Cheryl LaGuardia," p. 1.
Library Quarterly, January, 2000, Charles B. Lowry, review of Recreating the Academic Library, p. 113.
School Library Journal, October, 2000, Joyce Rice, review of Becoming a Library Teacher, p. 198.