Hennigs dilemma

views updated May 08 2018

Hennig's dilemma Phylogenetic trees constructed from an examination of two or more characters (e.g. two different genes) may result in two contradictory phylogenies. In such cases no single tree can be constructed using all characters compatibly. (Cladistics, in which the dilemma may arise, was founded by the German entomologist W. Hennig.)

Hennigs dilemma

views updated Jun 27 2018

Hennig's dilemma Phylogenetic trees constructed from an examination of two or more characters (e.g. two different genes) may result in two contradictory phylogenies. In such cases no single tree can be constructed using all characters compatibly. (Cladistics, in which the dilemma may arise, was founded by the German entomologist W.Hennig.)

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