condensation level

views updated May 09 2018

condensation level The atmospheric level at which condensation occurs as a result of convection, the lifting of air (e.g. orographic lifting), or vertical mixing. See also lifting condensation level and convective condensation level.

condensation level

views updated May 08 2018

condensation level The atmospheric level at which condensation occurs as a result of convection, the lifting of air (e.g. orographic lifting), or vertical mixing. See also LIFTING CONDENSATION LEVEL; and CONVECTIVE CONDENSATION LEVEL.

convective condensation level

views updated May 14 2018

convective condensation level The level at which surface air will become saturated when rising by convection. See also lifting condensation level.

convective condensation level

views updated May 08 2018

convective condensation level The level at which surface air will become saturated when rising by convection. See also LIFTING CONDENSATION LEVEL.

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