
views 1,775,174 updated May 23 2018

whirl·wind / ˈ(h)wərlˌwind/ • n. a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape. ∎  used in similes and metaphors to describe a very energetic or tumultuous person or process: a whirlwind of activity | [as adj.] a whirlwind romance.PHRASES: (sow the wind and) reap the whirlwind suffer serious consequences as a result of one's actions.


views 2,894,347 updated May 23 2018

Whirlwind The first real-time computer, built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and capable of calculating at high speed. The Whirlwind project had its origins in wartime defense and was officially launched in December 1944. The first version, operational in 1950, used electrostatic storage tubes but a ferrite core store was in use (its first appearance) by 1953. See also Digital Equipment Corporation.


views 3,587,481 updated May 23 2018

whirlwind XIV. prob. — ON. hvirfilvindr (see WHIRL, WIND1).


views 1,243,210 updated May 23 2018


something rushing; a confused condition.

Examples: whirlwind of applause, 1837; of tempestuous fire, 1667; of horse, 1840; of passion, 1603; of town pleasure, 1855.


views 2,705,849 updated May 11 2018

whirlwind A spiral wind storm around a low-pressure centre. In arid areas dust may be carried upwards several hundred metres.


views 1,397,359 updated May 08 2018

whirlwind A spiral wind storm around a low-pressure centre. In arid areas dust may be carried upward several hundred metres.

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