
views updated May 14 2018

height / hīt/ • n. 1. the measurement from base to top or (of a standing person) from head to foot: columns rising to 65 feet in height | both men were of average height. ∎  elevation above ground or a recognized level (typically sea level): the glider is gaining height. ∎  the quality of being tall or high: his height seems to work to his advantage.2. a high place or area: he's terrified of heights.3. the most intense part or period of something: the height of the tourist season at the height of his career | they took consumerism to new heights. ∎  an extreme instance or example of something: it would be the height of bad manners not to attend the wedding.


views updated May 18 2018

height OE. hēhðu (WS. hīehðu) = MDu. hogede, hoochte (Du. hoogte), OHG. hōhida, Goth. hauhiþa :- Gmc. *χauχiþō; see HIGH, -TH1. Dissimilation of -hþ (-ʒþ) to -ht (-ʒt), orig. northern, appears before 1300.
Hence heighten XVI.


views updated May 11 2018

1. of a node in a tree. The length of a longest path from the node to a leaf node.

2. of a tree. The maximum height of any node in a tree. The height of a given tree will have the same numerical value as the depth of that tree.

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