gnu (wildebeest) Large, ox-like African antelope. The white-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou) is almost extinct. The brindled gnu (Connochaetes taurinus) lives in e and s Africa, where large herds migrate annually. It has a massive, buffalo-like head and a slender body. Both sexes are horned. Length: up to 2.4m (7.8ft); height: 1.3m (4ft); weight: up to 275kg (600lb). Family Bovidae.
gnu / n(y)oō/ • n. a large dark antelope (genus Connochaetes) with a long head, a beard and mane, and a sloping back. Also called wildebeest.
1. A portable UNIX-compatible software system that is freely distributed. Although copyright, it is licensed for use, modification, and subsequent distribution under the same terms. GNU is a self-referential acronym for GNU's Not UNIX.
2. The project of developing this software.