con·verse1 • v. / kənˈvərs/ [intr.] engage in conversation.• n. / ˈkänˌvərs/ archaic conversation.DERIVATIVES: con·vers·er / kənˈvərsər/ n.con·verse2 / ˈkänˌvərs/ • n. a situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another, or that corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed: if spirituality is properly political, the converse is also true: politics is properly spiritual. ∎ Math. a theorem whose hypothesis and conclusion are the conclusion and hypothesis of another.• adj. / ˈkänˌvərs; kənˈvərs/ having characteristics that are the reverse of something else already mentioned.
1. of a conditional, P → Q. The statement ¬P → ¬Q
where ¬ denotes negation. See also contrapositive, inverse.
2. of a binary relation. Another name for inverse.
converse 1 †dwell XIV; †associate familiarly with XVI; talk with XVII. — (O)F. converser †pass one's life, exchange words :- L. conversārī live, have intercourse, middle use of conversāre turn round, f. CON- + versāre, frequent. of vertere turn.
Hence as sb. †intercourse; conversation; communion. XVII.
converse 2 proposition or relation turned round or upside down. XVI. — L. conversus, pp. of convertere CONVERT.