Sardinha, Rick
Sardinha, Rick
Born in Paris, France.
Home and office—RI. E-mail—
Artist and illustrator.
Awards, Honors
First Place Original art award, GenCon, 2006; Best in Show First Place award, DragonCon, 2006; Best Action Illustration Award runner up, New Masters of Fantasy Awards, 2006, for "Dom of Listonshire"; Chesley Award nomination for Best Gaming-related Illustration, 2006, for "Family Affair," and 2007, for "Coils of Set"; Chesley Award nomination for Best Cover Illustration (Magazine), 2008.
Nancy Farmer, The Land of the Silver Apples, Atheneum (New York, NY), 2007.
Contributor of artwork to periodicals, including Dungeon.
Biographical and Critical Sources
Horn Book, July-August, 2007, Roger Sutton, review of The Land of the Silver Apples, p. 394.
Kirkus Reviews, July 1, 2007, review of The Land of the Silver Apples.
Kliatt, July, 2007, Paula Rohrlick, review of The Land of the Silver Apples, p. 14.
School Library Journal, August, 2007, Beth L. Meister, review of The Land of the Silver Apples, p. 114.
Rick Sardinha Home Page, (August 5, 2008).