
views 3,156,234 updated Jun 08 2018

ves·sel / ˈvesəl/ • n. 1. a ship or large boat. 2. a hollow container, esp. one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask. ∎  (chiefly in or alluding to biblical use) a person, esp. regarded as holding or embodying a particular quality: giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel. 3. Anat. & Zool. a duct or canal holding or conveying blood or other fluid. See also blood vessel. ∎  Bot. any of the tubular structures in the vascular system of a plant, serving to conduct water and mineral nutrients from the root.


views 2,867,576 updated May 14 2018

1. (in botany) A tube within the xylem composed of joined vessel elements. Vessels facilitate the efficient movement of water from the roots to the shoots and leaves of a plant.

2. (in zoology) Any of various tubular structures through which substances are transported, especially a blood vessel or a lymphatic vessel.


views 2,993,979 updated May 14 2018

vessel †(coll. sg.) domestic utensils; article designed to serve as a receptacle; in and after biblical use, human body or person; boat or ship. XIII. — (i) AN. vessel = OF. vaissel (mod. vaisseau vessel, vase, ship):- late L. vascellum small vase, dim. of vās vessel; (ii) AN. vessele = (O)F. vaisselle pots and pans, plate:- Rom. *vascella, pl. of L. vascellum used as coll. sg. fem.


views 2,352,557 updated May 14 2018



views 2,698,543 updated May 29 2018

vessel (ves-ĕl) n. a tube conveying a body fluid, especially a blood vessel or a lymphatic vessel.

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