
views 3,389,815 updated May 23 2018

fac·et / ˈfasət/ • n. one side of something many-sided, esp. of a cut gem. ∎  a particular aspect or feature of something: participation by the laity in all facets of church life. ∎  Zool. any of the individual units that make up the compound eye of an insect or crustacean.DERIVATIVES: fac·et·ed / ˈfasətid/ adj. [in comb.] multifaceted.


views 2,697,337 updated May 21 2018

facet On the side of the centrum of a dorsal vertebra, a cup-shaped depression to which the head of a rib is attached; if the ‘cup’ is incompletely hemispherical (i.e. ‘half a cup’) it is called a demi-facet or half-facet. A vertebra may have one or more facets or demi-facets.


views 3,017,211 updated Jun 08 2018

facet Any of the planar elements into which curved surfaces are broken for rendering.


views 3,379,475 updated May 23 2018

facet XVII. — F. faceíte, dim. of face; see prec. and -ET.


views 3,546,600 updated May 23 2018

facet (fas-it) n. a small flat surface on a bone, especially a surface of articulation.

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