e·nam·el / iˈnaməl/ • n. an opaque or semitransparent glossy substance applied to metallic or other hard surfaces for ornament or as a protective coating. ∎ a work of art executed in such a substance. ∎ the hard glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth. ∎ (also enamel paint) a paint that dries to give a smooth, hard coat.• v. (-eled, -el·ing; Brit. -elled, -el·ling) [tr.] [often as adj.] (enameled) coat or decorate (a metallic or hard object) with enamel: an enameled roasting pan.DERIVATIVES: e·nam·el·er n.e·nam·el·ist / -ist/ n.
enamel The material that forms a covering over the crown of a tooth (i.e. the part that projects above the gum). Enamel is smooth, white, and extremely hard, being rich in minerals containing calcium, especially apatite. It is produced by certain cells (ameloblasts) of the oral epithelium and protects the underlying dentine of the tooth. Enamel may also be found in the placoid scales of certain fish, which demonstrates the common developmental origin of scales and teeth.
enamel Crystals of a calcium phosphate-carbonate salt, containing 2–4% of organic matter, which are formed from the epithelium of the mouth and which provide a hard outer coating to denticles and to the exposed part of teeth.
enamel Crystals of a calcium phosphate-carbonate salt, containing 2–4% of organic matter, which are formed from the epithelium of the mouth and provide a hard outer coating to denticles and the exposed part of teeth.
enamel Decorative or protective glazed coating produced on metal surfaces, or a type of paint. Ceramic enamels are made from powdered glass and calx, with metal oxides to add colour. Enamel paints consist of zinc oxide, lithopone, and high-grade varnish. The finish is hard, glossy, and highly durable.