Zizek, Slavoj 1949–

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Zizek, Slavoj 1949–


Born March 21, 1949, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Married; children: one son. Education: University of Ljubljana, B.A. (philosophy and sociology), 1971, M.A., 1975, Doctor of Arts (philosophy), 1981; Université de Paris-VIII, Doctor of Arts (psychoanalysis), 1985. Politics: "Pro-reform."


Office—Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploscad 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail—versoinc@aol.com.


Institute for Sociology and Philosophy, University of Ljubljana (now Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty for Social Sciences), Ljubljana, Slovenia, researcher, 1979—. Lecturer at universities, including Université de Paris-VIII, State University of New York at Buffalo, University of Minnesota, Tulane University, Columbia University, Princeton University, and New School for Social Research. Ambassador of science for the Republic of Slovenia, 1991. Pro-reform candidate, presidency of the republic of Slovenia (then Yugoslavia), 1990.


Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis (Ljubljana, Slovenia; founder and president).


The Sublime Object of Ideology, Verso (New York, NY), 1989.

For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor, Verso (New York, NY), 1991.

Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1991.

Enjoy Your Symptom! Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out, Routledge (New York, NY), 1992.

(Editor) Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan: (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock), Verso (New York, NY), 1992.

Tarrying with the Negative: Kant, Hegel, and the Critique of Ideology, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 1993.

(Editor) Mapping Ideology, Verso (New York, NY), 1994.

The Metastases of Enjoyment: Six Essays on Woman and Causality, Verso (New York, NY), 1994.

(Editor, with Renata Salecl) Gaze and Voice as Love Objects, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 1996.

The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters, Verso (New York, NY), 1996.

The Abyss of Freedom, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 1997.

(Editor) Cogito and the Unconscious, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 1998.

The Plague of Fantasies, Verso (New York, NY), 1998.

The Ticklish Subject: An Essay in Political Ontology, Verso (New York, NY), 1999.

The Zizek Reader, edited by Elizabeth Wright and Edmond Wright, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 1999.

The Fragile Absolute: or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? Verso (New York, NY), 2000.

(With Judith Butler and Ernesto Laclau) Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left, Verso (London, England), 2000.

The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway, Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities/University of Washington (Seattle, WA), 2000.

Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?, Verso (New York, NY), 2001.

The Fright of Real Tears: Krzysztof Kieslowski between Theory and Post-Theory, BFI (London, England), 2001.

On Belief, Routledge (New York, NY), 2001.

Welcome to the Desert of the Real! Five Essays on 11 September and Related Dates, Verso (New York, NY), 2002.

(With Mladen Dolar) Opera's Second Death, Routledge (New York, NY), 2002.

The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 2003.

(With Molly Anne Rothenberg and Dennis Foster) Perversion and the Social Relation, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 2003.

(With Glyn Daly) Conversations with Zizek, Polity Press (Cambridge, UK), 2003.

Organs without Bodies: Deleuze and Consequences, Routledge (New York, NY), 2004.

Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, Verso (New York, NY), 2004.

(Editor, with Creston Davis and John Milbank) Theology and the Political: The New Debate, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 2005.

Interrogating the Real: Selected Writings, Continuum (London, England, and New York, NY), 2005.

(With Eric L. Santner and Kenneth Reinhard) The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 2005.

(Editor) Lacan: The Silent Partners, Verso (London, England, and New York, NY), 2006.

The Parallax View, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 2006.

(Editor, with Sebastian Budgen and Stathis Kouvelakis) Lenin Reloaded: Toward a Politics of Truth, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 2007.

(Author of introduction) Mao Tse-Tung, On Practice and Contradiction, Verso (London, England, and New York, NY), 2007.

(Author of introduction) Maximilien Robespierre, Virtue and Terror, Verso (London, England, and New York, NY), 2007.

How to Read Lacan, W.W. Norton (New York, NY), 2007.

Presenter of the film The Pervert's Guide to Cinema. Cinematic commentator, Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual, a film by Ben Wright. Subject of the documentary film Zizek!

The author's works have been translated into Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak, and German. Editor of several series, including "Wo es War" series, Verso.


A researcher at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, Slavoj Zizek is a respected figure in the field of cultural criticism. He writes on a variety of interconnected subjects, including psychoanalysis, philosophy, post-Marxism, the films of Alfred Hitchcock, and most notably, the theories of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Zizek is a prolific writer; when he published The Ticklish Subject: An Essay in Political Ontology in 1999, it was his fourteenth book in nine years. This political, post-Marxist book showed the author's interest in taking traditionally academic subjects into unfamiliar territory. Other hallmarks of Zizek's unconventional approach to difficult, highly theoretical material are his casual, readable prose and frequent references to popular culture. However, while several of his books have been cited as important explanations of Lacanian theory, with one identified as an "introduction," none offer simplified presentations and all require the reader to have an understanding of the underlying concepts.

In a 1997 London Review of Books article encompassing reviews of several of Zizek's books, Terry Eagleton presented him as a passionate disciple of Jacques Lacan's core concepts of the Real, the Imaginary, and the Symbolic, with much of his interest lying in the Real. The critic elaborated: "By drawing our attention to this most underprivileged of Lacan's three categories, [Zizek] challenges [Lacan's] fashionable image as a ‘post-structuralist’ thinker. Zizek's Lacan is not the philosopher of the floating signifier but a much tougher, alarming, uncanny sort of theorist altogether, who teaches that the Real which makes us what we are is not only traumatic and impenetrable but cruel, obscene, vacuous, meaningless, and horrifically enjoyable."

Praising Zizek's ability to engage the reader, Eagleton stated: "His books have an enviable knack of making Kant or Kierkegaard sound riotously exciting; his writing bristles with difficulties but never serves up a turgid sentence." Eagleton further described Zizek as a brilliant thinker and versatile writer, albeit one who returned again and again to the Real. "The almost comic versatility of his interests masks a compulsive repetition of the same. His books, as in Freud's notion of the uncanny, are both familiar and unfamiliar, breathtakingly innovative yet déjà vu, crammed with original insights yet perpetual recyclings of one another," the critic commented. This tendency, including Zizek's seemingly infinite interest in applying Lacanian theory to Hitchcock's films, did not diminish the critic's appraisal of Zizek's importance; Eagleton asserted: "He is … the most formidably brilliant exponent of psychoanalysis, indeed of cultural theory in general, to have emerged in Europe for some decades."

An early work by Zizek on the Lacanian theme is The Sublime Object of Ideology. Described by J.W. Ma- cInnes in Choice as "a post-Marxist rereading of Hegel via Lacan," the book involves a discussion of Freud's psychoanalytical concepts and responses to theorists Habermans and Derrida. MacInnes was pleased with Zizek's ease in treating "forbidding subjects" and called the book "a clear and colorful introduction to Lacan at the very least." In Sociological Review, Anna Dempsey called the book "refreshing," but cautioned: "You will need your wits about you to catch all the paradoxes, crucial twists and dialectical movements of self-referential negativity which roll in like orchestrated flotsam on tides of sumptuous illustration."

Zizek's love of popular culture references is demonstrated in Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, a book that offers readings of Sherlock Holmes and Steven King novels as well as discussions on Kant and Hegel. Writing in Choice, N. Lukacher called Zizek "unique in his mastery of diverse discourses" and identified the book as "the most authoritative and accessible presentation of Lacan available in English today."

Demonstrating Lacan's influence on film criticism and once again showcasing his own penchant for pop culture, Zizek penned Enjoy Your Symptom! Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out. The book's cinematic references include Hitchcock, Chaplin, Rossellini, and Lynch; theoretical figures include Socrates, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Marx, and Freud, among others. W.A. Vincent commented in Choice: "Though Zizek does not always succeed in a perfect blending of these disparate elements … the book is still a remarkable tour-de-force."

Zizek narrowed his focus to the Lacan-Hitchcock relationship in editing Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan: (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock). Most of the book's essays are translated articles from Cahiers du Cinema and Zizek's fellow scholars at the University of Ljubljana. Writing in Choice, Vincent praised selections, including Zizek on the viewer's gaze, Pascal Binitzer on suspense, Michel Chion on sound, Mladen Dolar on Suspicion, Miran Bozovic on Rear Window, and Renata Salecl on The Wrong Man. In a review for Film Quarterly, Paul Thomas described Zizek's work as "academizing Hitchcock with a kind of gleeful vengeance." Thomas considered the essays to be uneven and needing "Zizek's introductory and concluding contributions to give them whatever coherence they display." The reviewer questioned the book's focus, noting: "Whether it's a voyage into Lacan via Hitchcock or Hitchcock via Lacan is finally unclear."

In The Abyss of Freedom Zizek joins what Eagleton described as a trend reviving the reputation of German philosopher F.W.J. von Schelling; "Zizek, naturally, finds a lot of Lacan in Schelling," the critic admitted. Zizek's specific interest in The Abyss of Freedom is Schelling's abandoned second draft of the essay Weltalter. He suggests that it is an important work which foreshadows aspects of Marxian, Lacanian, and deconstructive theories. In a review for Choice, N. Lukacher said that Zizek convincingly showed the draft to be "not only Schelling's most daring and insightful philosophical essay but also one of the most prescient works of German idealism."

Leaping from nineteenth-century writers to the computer age, Zizek published The Plague of Fantasies, in which he studies links between fantasy and ideology. His commentary encompasses such diverse elements as toilet design, cybersex, the music of Robert Schumann, and fetishism. He then went on to write The Ticklish Subject, a work rooted in his participation in the left-wing Ljubljana group. Some ten years earlier, Zizek had been a pro-reform presidential candidate for the republic of Slovenia when it was still part of Yugoslavia.

As Lois McNay explained in a review for the Times Literary Supplement, Zizek and his colleagues have "an explicit aim … to use psychoanalytic theory to reinvigorate Marxist leftism." McNay described this approach as challenging the traditional view of psychoanalysis as "essentially ahistorical because of its focus on archetypal psychic dynamics." While she showed that Zizek's repeated use of a deconstructive strategy in The Ticklish Subject was not always effective, the critic concluded: "Slavoj Zizek's argument is subtle, witty and impassioned, and this book … confirms his status as one of the most innovative and exciting contemporary thinkers of the Left."

Zizek's mid-career writings on religion have elicited particular attention. In The Fragile Absolute: or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? he offers what many critics consider an astonishing analysis linking principles of Christianity and Marxism. "Christianity and Marxism should fight on the same side of the barricade against the onslaught of new spiritualisms," he declares in this book. A self-identified atheist and admirer of Communism, Zizek nevertheless argues that the Christian message—as recorded in the gospels, rather than as practiced within the institutional church—offers believers a path to revolutionary change. As he points out, the gospels' message is that, "in a genuine Conversion, one can ‘re-create’ oneself." Moreover, through the redemptive power of Christ's death and their spiritual rebirth, believers can see "Another Space" in which outdated hierarchies of power and control are eradicated. Unlike New Age spiritualities that encourage adherents to turn away from involvement with the outside world, the Christian message, according to Zizek, encourages believers to engage with the world through active love, thus making it possible to create an alternative community akin to the one advocated by Lenin.

Clayton Crockett, writing in Theoria, found Zizek's argument "both evocative and provocative." Noting that most of the analysis in The Fragile Absolute is not religious but cultural and political, the critic observed that its "invocation of Christianity appears almost like a spirit conjured up to validate [Zizek's] theoretical discussions of cultural phenomena and global capital. Nonetheless, this book is highly recommended for scholars and thinkers working at the intersections of philosophy, cultural and political theory, and religious thought." Christian Century contributor Stephen H. Webb called attention to Zizek's interesting use of the idea of Christian sacrifice as a lesson, in the critic's words, in "how to separate the act of sacrifice from blind loyalty to a sacred cause." In psychoanalytic terms, Webb went on, "Christians sacrifice the imaginary for the real. Zizek thus decisively abandons, once and for all, the tired leftist diatribe that Christianity promises a magic kingdom of escapism rather than a realistic kingdom of justice."

Zizek elaborates on his thinking about religion in The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, which celebrates the teachings of St. Paul and denigrates New Age spiritualities. As Zizek explained in an interview with Diana Dilworth for The Believer: "What I like to see is the emancipatory potential in institutionalized Christianity. Of course, I don't mean the state religion, but I mean the moment of St. Paul." This moment, the philosopher emphasized, offers people the opportunity to achieve radical reinvention, justice, and freedom. New Age spiritualities, by contrast, are basically conservative to the point of being "almost fascistic" and cannot offer the revolutionary hope of Christianity. As Zizek commented: "I find any flirting with so-called new-age spiritualities extremely dangerous. It is good to know the other side of the story, at least, when you speak about Buddhism and all of these spiritualities. I am sorry, but Nazis did it all. For Hitler, the Bhagavad Gita was a sacred book; he carried it in his pocket all the time. In Nazi Germany there were three institutes for Tibetan studies and five for the study of different sects of Buddhism." His point, Zizek went on, "is not to return to the Church, to rehabilitate Christianity, but to keep this certain revolutionary logic alive."

Reviewing The Puppet and the Dwarf in Christianity and Literature, Mark Knight observed that Zizek's framing of theological matters within a Lacanian framework is sometimes "infuriating," but "one has to remember that Zizek is not writing a work of systematic theology, nor making any pretensions to being a theologian. Instead, he is offering a series of provocative, hol(e)y reflections, reflections that are needed by a Christian tradition that often fails to grasp the rich, subversive potential of its own belief."

In The Parallax View Zizek again considers a dizzying mix of subjects; indeed, as Terry Eagleton quipped in an Artforum International review: "What it is actually about can be summarized in a single word: everything." Zizek comments on subjects as diverse as Stalinism, postcolonialism, neuroscience, the Marquis de Sade, Star Wars, Kierkegaard, Abu Ghraib, Charlie Chaplin, quantum physics, and many more. The book "is a positive orgy of ideas," wrote Eagleton, who hailed Zizek as "that rare breed of writer—one who is both lucid and esoteric." Fredric Jameson, writing in the London Review of Books, admitted that some of the book "is tough going indeed" but found other sections, especially the chapters on Heidegger and politics, "luminous and eloquent," adding that they "will surely stand as major statements, with enough to provoke and irritate people from one end of the ideological spectrum to another." A writer for Publishers Weekly described The Parallax View as "perhaps the clearest elaboration of [Zizek's] theoretical framework thus far," observing that in this book Zizek attempts to "rehabilitate dialectical materialism" by suggesting that it should be viewed not as an essential struggle between opposites but as, in Zizek's words, a "gap which separates the One from itself."

Addressing politics in the more specifically focused Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, Zizek skewers both conservative and liberal thinking about the Bush administration's push to invade Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein and thus eliminate the supposed threat from that country's alleged arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. With his characteristic bent for seemingly self-contradictory analyses, Zizek argues that the United States had not too few but too many reasons to go to war, creating a surreal logic by which the country came to see invasion as a necessity. In a New Statesman review, Mark Bearn called Iraq an "unpleasant, incoherent little antiwar tract" marked by rhetorical evasiveness. Bearn took issue, for example, with Zizek's likening of images of Saddam's arrest with images of Nazis capturing a Jew in a ghetto; the critic also objected to Zizek's assertion that—through the 9/11 attacks—"in a way, America got what it fantasized about." Arguing that such comments, as well as remarks appearing to support terrorist violence (such as the Shining Path's murder of UN health workers in Peru), "corrodes our ability to critique U.S. policy," Bearn concluded that the book fails to offer a coherent analysis of this subject.

In Books & Culture, however, Ashley Woodiwiss took Iraq's analysis more seriously. Woodiwiss especially noted Zizek's assertion that the United States had a deeper reason than mere regime change for starting the war. In fact, Zizek argues in the book that the war was a signal to the world—and especially Europe—that the United States was reasserting its global hegemonic power. Woodiwiss also appreciated Zizek's critique of the Bush administration's response to the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, about which the philosopher stated: "If Rumsfeld thinks that the main dangers in the confrontation with Iraq were the ‘unknown unknowns,’ … then the Abu Ghraib scandal shows that the main dangers lie in the ‘unknown knowns’—the disavowed beliefs, suppositions, and obscene practices we pretend not to know about, even though they form the background of our public values." A Publishers Weekly writer pointed out that, while Zizek blasts the Bush administration for its duplicity, he also critiques "the smug complacencies of ‘Old Europe’ and the left," which reveal "convenient pacifism and selective outrage." Citing the book's humor and accessible writing, the reviewer concluded that Iraq is "invigorating, depressing and maddening."

On December 11, 2003, Zizek sat down before a film crew in London under the direction of Ben Wright and gave a lecture that was released in 2004 as Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual. The 71-minute film, entirely unscripted, features Zizek speaking about belief, politics, Lacanian thought, and popular culture. The key idea in the lecture, as Nathan Lee pointed out in a review of the film in the New York Times, is that if classic psychoanalysis strove to free people from their repressions, under late capitalism people must struggle to liberate themselves from the desire to consume.

Zizek gives perhaps his most comprehensive account of his thinking about film, fantasy, and psychoanalytic theory in the three-part series The Pervert's Guide to Cinema. He appears in this film as a presenter and commentator, which sometimes creates the illusion that he is speaking from within the film itself. Among the films he discusses are older classics such as Marx Brothers comedies and Hitchcock's The Birds, as well as newer films including David Lynch's Lost Highway and Michael Haneke's The Piano Teacher. As the philosopher noted on The Pervert's Guide Web site: "My big obsession is to make things clear. I can really explain a line of thought if I can somehow illustrate it in a scene from a film. The Pervert's Guide to Cinema is really about what psychoanalysis can tell us about cinema."



African Arts, summer, 2003, Andrew Apter, "Tarrying with Our Negatives."

Africa News Service, August 2, 2005, Jacob Dlamini, "No Chance of S.A. Becoming U.S.'s Working Class."

Afterimage, March-April, 1998, review of The Plague of Fantasies, p. 20.

Arena Journal, Volume 16, 2001, Matthew Sharpe, "Che Vuoi?/What Do You Want?" p. 101.

Artforum International, summer, 2006, Terry Eagleton, review of The Parallax View.

Books & Culture, November 1, 2006, Ashley Woodiwiss, "Philosophy at the End of the World," p. 30.

Boston Globe, September 12, 2004, Christopher Shea, "The Raw and the Flushed."

California Law Review, March, 2000, Jeanne L. Schroeder, reviews of The Plague of Fantasies and The Ticklish Subject: An Essay in Political Ontology, p. 653.

Choice, May, 1990, J.W. MacInnes, review of The Sublime Object of Ideology, p. 1519; January, 1992, N. Lukacher, review of Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, p. 761; May, 1993, W.A. Vincent, review of Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan: (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock), p. 1473; June, 1993, W.A. Vincent, review of Enjoy Your Symptom! Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out, p. 1709; November, 1997, N. Lukacher, review of The Abyss of Freedom, p. 498; December, 2003, "Perversion and the Social Relation," p. 693; March, 2004, D.W. Sullivan, review of The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christanity, p. 1312; November, 2006, D.W. Sullivan, review of The Parallax View, p. 496.

Christian Century, August 1, 2001, Stephen H. Webb, review of The Fragile Absolute: or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? p. 31.

Christianity and Literature, winter, 2005, Mark Knight, "Queer Fish: Christian Unreason from Darwin to Derrida," p. 305.

Christianity Today, August, 2005, Ashley Woodiwiss, "What Is Radical Orthodoxy? A Growing Theological Movement Tries to Put Secularism in Its Place," p. 54.

Chronicle of Higher Education, January 24, 2003, review of Welcome to the Desert of the Real! Five Essays on 11 September and Related Dates, p. 14; February 6, 2004, Scott McLemee, "Zizek Watch"; April 2, 2004, Scott McLemee, "Zizek Watch"; June 4, 2004, Scott McLemee, "Zizek Watch"; July 30, 2004, Scott McLemee, "Last in a Series Tracking a Seemingly Ubiquitous Thinker."

Critical Inquiry, spring, 2003, "Doing the Impossible: Slavoj Zizek and the End of Knowledge."

Criticism, fall, 2004, Eleanor Kaufman, "Betraying Well."

Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, spring, 2001, Simon Jarvis, review of Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left; spring, 2001, "The Leader's Two Bodies: Slavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology"; summer, 2002, "Art as Symptom: Zizek and the Ethics of Psychoanalytic Criticism."

Film Comment, November 1, 2004, Chris Chang, review of Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, p. 77.

Film Quarterly, fall, 1993, Paul Thomas, review of Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan, pp. 46-47; summer, 2003, Greg Oguss, review of The Fright of Real Tears: Krzysztof Kieslowski between Theory and Post-Theory.

Financial Times, November 1, 2003, James Harkin, "The Preacher—Slavoj Zizek: A Talk by the Roving Slovenian Intellectual Is Akin to Watching a Pitbull Terrier Address a Roomful of Elegant Chihuahuas," p. 8.

Hollywood Reporter, May 4, 2007, Frank Scheck, "The Pervert's Guide to Cinema," p. 18.

Independent, April 24, 1999, Guy Abbott-Mannes, "The Giant of Ljubljana," p. 12.

Internet Bookwatch, February, 2007, review of Interrogating the Real: Selected Writings.

James Joyce Quarterly, fall, 2003, "Stephen Dedalus's Fantasies of Reality: A Zizekian View."

Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, spring, 2000, James Penney, review of The Ticklish Subject; spring, 2001, "Thinking Aslant: Zizek and Pragmatism"; spring, 2002, Christopher Breu, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? December, 2004, "The Cynic's Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the Dynamics of Belief," p. 259.

Journal of Religious History, June, 2004, review of On Belief.

Journal of Religion, July, 2006, Jeremy Biles, review of The Puppet and the Dwarf, p. 501.

Journal of the American Academy of Religion, June, 2006, "Theology and the Political: The New Debate," p. 554.

Library Journal, November 1, 2003, Charles Seymour, review of The Puppet and the Dwarf, p. 88; August 1, 2006, Leslie Armour, review of Lacan: The Silent Partners, p. 91.

Literature and Psychology, fall, 2001, Janet Thormann, review of Contingency, Hegemony, Universality.

London Review of Books, November 27, 1997, Terry Eagleton, "Enjoy!," pp. 7-9; January 25, 2001, Malcolm Bull, "Hate Is the New Love"; September 7, 2006, Frederic Jameson, review of The Parallax View, p. 7.

Modern Language Notes, December, 2006, Richard Macksey, review of The Parallax View, p. 1285.

Modern Language Review, October, 2004, Thomas Docherty, "Conversations with Zizek," p. 1019.

New Left Review, January 1, 2004, review of The Parallax View, p. 121; March 1, 2004, review of Iraq, p. 15.

New Literary History, winter, 2001, Christopher Hanlon, "Psychoanalysis and the Post-Political: An Interview with Slavoj Zizek," p. 1.

New Statesman, September 9, 2002, Andrew Hussey, review of Welcome to the Desert of the Real!, p. 50; September 9, 2002, "The Game of War," p. 50; December 2, 2002, review of Welcome to the Desert of the Real!, p. 47; August 2, 2004, Mark Bearn, "On the Rampage," p. 38; April 30, 2007, Johann Hari, "Pseud's Corner: The Star Philosopher Slavoj Zizek Commits Intellectual Suicide in His Latest Film, Writes Johann Hari," p. 40.

New Yorker, May 5, 2003, Rebecca Mead, "The Marx Brother."

New York Times Book Review, March 19, 2006, "Believers, Atheists and Morality," p. 11; June 2, 2006, Lee Nathan, "Slavoj Zizek," p. 12; March 27, 2007, "When Torture Is Normalized," p. 18; April 15, 2007, Dennis Lim, "Explaining Movies by Jumping Right Inside Them," p. 19.

Philadelphia Inquirer, December 7, 2005, Carlin Romano, "The Wild Seinfeldian Philosopher."

Philosophy Today, fall, 2006, "Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ‘Post-Marxist’ Critique of Alienation: A Re-reading through Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Zizek."

Political Studies, September, 2000, Yannis Stavrakakis, review of The Ticklish Subject, p. 838; June, 2001, Lasse Thomassen, review of The Fragile Absolute, p. 343.

Political Theory, February, 2002, Linda Zerilli, review of Contingency, Hegemony, Universality, p. 167.

Publishers Weekly, August 2, 2004, review of Iraq, p. 64; February 20, 2006, review of The Parallax View, p. 148.

Reference & Research Book News, February, 2005, review of Iraq, p. 47; August, 2005, review of Interrogating the Real, p. 5; August, 2006, review of Lacan; May, 2007, review of How to Read Lacan.

Science & Society, summer, 2003, Michael J. Thompson, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?

Sight and Sound, November, 2002, review of Welcome to the Desert of the Real!, p. 34.

Slavic and East European Journal, spring, 2004, Benjamin Paloff, review of The Puppet and the Dwarf.

Sociological Review, February, 1991, Anna Dempsey, review of The Sublime Object of Ideology, pp. 172-174.

Southern Humanities Review, summer, 2002, William S. Haney, review of Contingency, Hegemony, Universality.

Studies in the Novel, fall, 2003, Megan E. Abbott, "‘Nothing You Can't Fix’: Screening Marlowe's Masculinity."

Style, spring, 2000, Gustavo Guerra, "Psychoanalysis and Presuppositions."

Symploke, January 1, 2002, p. 186; January 1, 2004, Ian Buchanan, review of Iraq, p. 291.

Telos, September 22, 2004, "The Antinomies of Slavoj Zizek," p. 151.

Theology, March 1, 2006, "Zizek on Christianity," p. 103.

Theoria, December, 2001, Kevin A. Morrison, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? p. 118; June, 2002, Clayton Crockett, review of The Fragile Absolute, p. 141; June, 2003, Derek Hook, review of On Belief, p. 148; August, 2004, Richard Pithouse, "Conversations with Zizek," p. 231.

Theory, Culture & Society, June, 2005, "The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche's Philosophy of the Two," p. 139.

Tikkun, January 1, 2005, Joe Lockard, "The Star of Ljubljana," p. 71; January 1, 2006, Shai Ginsburg, "Taking Slavoj Zizek Seriously," p. 76; May 1, 2006, review of The Parallax View, p. 81.

Times Higher Education Supplement, September 28, 2001, Gary Day, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? p. 34; December 1, 2006, "Rock and Roll Is Now Spelt with Double Z," p. 16.

Times Literary Supplement, December 31, 1999, Lois McNay, review of The Ticklish Subject, p. 23; August 17, 2001, Alex Callinicos, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? p. 30; July 16, 2004, "News from Elsewhere," p. 25; May 4, 2007, "How to Read Lacan," p. 29.

Utopian Studies, winter, 2004, P.A. Koop, review of The Puppet and the Dwarf, p. 169.

World Literature Today, spring, 2002, Sabah A. Salih, review of Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?


Believer,http://www.believermag.com/ (November 12, 2007), Diana Dilworth, interview with Slavoj Zizek.

Columbia University Web site,http://www.columbia.edu/ (November 12, 2007), "Doug Henwood Interviews Slavoj Zizek."

European Graduate School,http://www.egs.edu/ (November 12, 2007), Slavoj Zizek faculty profile.

Guardian Unlimited,http://film.guardian.co.uk/ (November 12, 2007), Stephen Moss, "The Philosopher's Moan."

Heise Online,http://www.heise.de/ (November 12, 2007), "Hysteria and Cyberspace."

InterCommunication Center Online,http://www.ntticc.or.jp/ (November 12, 2007), interview with Slavoj Zizek.

International Journal of Zizek Studies,http://zizekstudies.org/ (November 12, 2007).

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,http://www.iep.utm.edu/ (November 12, 2007), "Slavoj Zizek."

Journal of Philosophy & Scripture,http://www.philosophyandscripture.org/ (November 12, 2007), Joshua Delpech-Ramey, "An Interview with Slavoj Zizek."

lacan dot com,http://www.lacan.com/ (November 12, 2007).

Left Business Observer Online,http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/ (November 12, 2007), interview with Slavoj Zizek.

Pervert's Guide to Cinema Web site,http://www.thepervertsguide.com/ (November 12, 2007).

Soft Targets Online,http://www.softtargetsjournal.com/ (November 12, 2007), "Divine Violence and Liberated Territories."

Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual Web site,http://realityofthevirtual.com/ (November 12, 2007).

spiked online,http://www.spiked-online.com/ (November 12, 2007), Savine Reull and Thomas Deichmann, interview with Slavoj Zizek.

Time Out London,http://www.timeout.com/ (November 12, 2007), interview with Slavoj Zizek.

University of Ljubljana Web site,http://www.ff.uni-lj.si/ (November 12, 2007), Slavoj Zizek faculty page.

Wheaton College Web site,http://www.wheaton.edu/ (November 12, 2007), Slavoj Zizek profile.

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